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boreas907 t1_iy3q72g wrote

Someone in my building has apparently adopted a Blue Bike as a pet and stashed it inside in the first floor hallway.


Dontleave t1_iy3qi3l wrote

You should return it back to it’s home. BlueBikes are meant to roam from dock to dock not be contained in some hallway


boreas907 t1_iy3xif0 wrote

If I had not been running late I would have. Hope someone else did the needful there, if it's still there in the evening I'll take it back to its home.


ch1ck3npotpi3 t1_iy3r849 wrote

Either they don't understand how the pricing structure works and they're going to rack up tons of fees, or they stole it and someone else is on the hook for $1,200.


ONTaF t1_iy67jpu wrote

if you're cold they're cold <3