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WinsingtonIII t1_j1hmhky wrote

Yeah, while I hate Gillette’s location myself, not sure why this sub is acting like all the tourists are going to stay in Foxborough. The vast majority of tourists will stay in Boston and will take the commuter rail and/or shuttle buses they will set up out to the games.

Also weird how some are acting like this is unique to Boston when almost every US venue for 2026 is located outside the city in a suburban area. It’s a US issue generally, not a Boston specific one.


milespeeingyourpants t1_j1hw3wk wrote

Welcome to Reddit


WinsingtonIII t1_j1i1ndy wrote

I feel like /r/boston is specifically bad for this, people always act like anything wrong with Boston is only a problem in Boston. There are some problems that are more Boston specific, but certainly not this one or many others that come up on here. But you're right that complaining about stuff without really thinking about it is a reddit thing in general.