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BathroomBoogie t1_j14kpro wrote

Inspections are yearly but you’ll be super excited to see how much the excise tax bill is. I’m from MA and now in SC - I’d rather pay MA excise tax and have a yearly inspection than pay this astronomical SC yearly property tax.


BsFan t1_j14wr3t wrote

Is it really that much worse in SC?? My excise tax was around 1400$ last year.


felineprincess93 t1_j14ylks wrote

What???? Mine was 58.99.


BsFan t1_j1518s6 wrote

Depends on the cars age and value. My wifes 2016 Explorer was like 100$. My cars first year was cheap, they only hit you for 50% of the value on the model year, but then its 25$ per 1000$ of 90% of the cars value in year 2. By year 5 or 6 its based off 10%. So if you have a new expensive car it is brutal for a couple years.


ElBrazil t1_j15s1qf wrote

Just FYI, the dollar sign goes in front of the number


BsFan t1_j15u574 wrote

I know, I always do ot backwards on my phone for some reason.


DooceBigalo t1_j15edop wrote

Yeah if you buy an expensive car your first excise tax is legit nutty


maggiezheng OP t1_j15o9kw wrote

I had my excise tax for the end of December 2021 when I bought my new car and it was over $1200 so I’m scared for what a whole year looks like.. lol


BathroomBoogie t1_j160724 wrote

HOLY CRAP. Mine was never more than $50 when I was in Mass, but now I get a bill for about $500 each year from SC.


umassmza t1_j16yhc3 wrote

And always remember, excise is paid at the start of the year, so if you sell it you are owed a refund. You have to apply for it, they don’t just send it to you.