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[deleted] t1_j2bz98v wrote

If you get a step increase….. which 90% of people don’t get


potus1001 t1_j2c6q3g wrote

If you have a source for that percentage, I really would like to see it, because I disagree with your statement.

If we’re only talking about union employees, for them to not get a step increase, they need to be at the top step of the CBA grid. The average grid has between 9-11 steps, so let’s just go with 10. Since all new union employees start at step 1, it takes 9 full years for them to reach the top step, 10 full years before they wouldn’t get a new step.

I don’t know the exact percentage, but I’d be willing to bet that 90% of state employees within a union have not been with the state for 10 years or longer.


[deleted] t1_j2doohy wrote

I pulled 90% out of thin air. The number is actually 100% but I assumed there are 10% out there who must be getting a better raise. I’m under EOEEA. Are you MADOT? Most of my peers have been here less than 5 years and we are only getting the 2.5%. We talk about it all the time and are pretty bitter about it. The way you explain it, it seems like we should be getting more. Are you NAGE or MOSES?