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snorkeling_moose t1_j1foyh0 wrote

Some guy: "Hey, we'd like to do work for you that will increase the value of your condo, at no cost to you, along with it greatly improving our quality of life".

The neighbors: "No fucking thanks, idiot".

I will never understand some people.


Key-Neat5457 t1_j1g6tp6 wrote

^has never had construction done before. Would you want all your ceilings ripped out?


Boston2021 t1_j1jsdvx wrote

Yes, you get clean new drywall and paint instead of old shit. You get to run that wire for the ceiling fan, lights, or speakers you always wanted to.

Also you can be louder

Wouldn’t the condo association help you get access?


kangaroospyder t1_j1gfwit wrote

We want to DIY your ceilings without proper construction experience, for something we hope might work, but don't actually know how to sound proof. You mind living with that construction for a month? I don't know why you would say no. Must be unreasonable...