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SmilingZebra t1_j2b8u87 wrote

It’s not so much about whether the kids get, it’s who(and how many people) they bring it home to, and whether they give it to the staff etc


iBarber111 t1_j2bfa74 wrote

The risk that current variants pose to vaccinated adults is EXTREMELY small. This point is outdated by like a year.


SmilingZebra t1_j2bg0xk wrote

Risk of death? Sure, you’re right. But there’s a bit more to the equation than that.


iBarber111 t1_j2bgc8q wrote

And the risk of serious illness, when you contextualize it with illness risks our society has always tolerated.


SmilingZebra t1_j2bho0a wrote

And minimizing the community spread to prevent the rise of new variants, increased infections of elderly, risk of long covid. It’s not a big ask for kids to wear masks for two weeks after school break. Just look at the MA wastewater data, infection rates are way up after the the last week, and it’s only a small effort to keep it in check. I hate masks also, and rarely wear one, nor do my kids, but it seems reasonable that they do for a bit.


Wtf_is_this1234 t1_j2ckd4m wrote

Two weeks of cloth mask wearing in a school environment where kids are constantly taking their masks on and off will achieve close to nothing.


shiningdickhalloran t1_j2bj1wm wrote

Omicron is now running buck wild in a nation of 1.4 billion people. Masking kids in BPS to prevent new variants is a bizarre point of view. And that's before we recognize that all the world (outside of a few nations in East Asia) has completely moved on. And if you're on favor of masks, then why are you targeting kids? It's adults 65+ that are falling sick and ending up in hospitals. Mask them instead.


bb5199 t1_j2bmb2l wrote

You sound like someone armed with a set of teacher's union talking points from two years ago. Frankly it doesn't matter what people like you want in terms of masks, masks mandates aren't coming back.


iBarber111 t1_j2bimyw wrote

Genuine question - do you also favor returning mask mandates to transit/stores/bars/gyms/offices? It makes exceptionally little sense to me to have masks in schools & not these places.

Edit: also - we're so far past lowering community spread having an impact on new variants, lmao. Did previous mask mandates stop new variants from spawning? The data shows they hardly even impacted community spread, much less enough to meaningfully reduce new variants. Your points are weak af & not supported by data.


SmilingZebra t1_j2bjywe wrote

You’re saying masks don’t work, sorry, I’m done


Wtf_is_this1234 t1_j2ckhua wrote

It's not wrong though. Cloth masks don't work, nor do masks that people wear incorrectly or take off to eat or drink.

The only way a mask mandate works is with strict adherence to N95's, which is impossible, even more so in a school environment.


SmilingZebra t1_j2biu53 wrote

No, just places where we pack 2000 kids together for 6 hours a day


iBarber111 t1_j2bj39t wrote

So not the T, where we pack hundreds of people in a space smaller than a classroom? Insane contradictions here.