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3720-To-One t1_izepf4y wrote

Could you elaborate as to why using these recruiters is so bad?


sderby t1_izepv6n wrote

/r/Boston hates broker and off-shore recruiter fees.


3720-To-One t1_izeqd22 wrote

I am understand hating broker fees, but the employer pays the recruiter fee… so what’s the issue?


Doortofreeside t1_izeskl4 wrote

I personally had so many bad experiences with recruiters based in India. So many bait and switch postings, not calling when they said they would, calling multiple times in a row at other times when I said that was busy. It got to the point where I just stopped applying to any job if it looked like it was posted by someone based in India


PCPirate262 t1_izfbytq wrote

I work for state gov and they got me through a contractor. State pays the contractor a percentage of every one of my paychecks(complete waste of tax money, what is the HR department for then?), and I don't get benefits. With my last contracting company I had to threaten legal pursual and file complaint with AG to light a fire under their ass to give me my paycheck


goldeneye0 OP t1_izeq7ol wrote

I am not sure if you know IT recruiting in general, so here is what is not so good about them, namely the big ones.

  1. Many of these Indian recruiters horribly underpay and do not even have the option of things like health insurance (major dealbreaker for me) and PTO (annoying as hell).
  2. Also, there are a number of employers that view being connected to these recruiters as a negative.
  3. A few of these have been known to just harvest information for recruitment/interview fraud and H-1B fraud. I heard most common form of this is to use the body of a submitted resume, but change the identifying info of that user's resume.

AchillesDev t1_izfqhau wrote

Recruiters don’t pay you, nobody cares who recruits you, the latter maybe I guess. Maybe you’re confusing recruitment and contracting agencies.


Rough-Jackfruit2306 t1_izg5cvg wrote

>Many of these Indian recruiters horribly underpay and do not even have the option of things like health insurance (major dealbreaker for me) and PTO (annoying as hell).

I am not sure if you know IT recruiting... recruiters don't pay you. Or employ you. Or anything.


mejelic t1_izgcqcd wrote

Unless it is a temp agency, which could be the case of the mbta just needs some grunts for a short term project.


chucktownbtown t1_izg80h7 wrote

Very true. And the layoffs you hear about in the news are sensationalized for clicks.

Meta lays off 12k (whoa scary!) but fail to tell you they over hired this year but more than 12k, so they still grew their staff.

Many layoffs in the news are “right sizing” back to the beginning of 2022 levels.


palescoot t1_izgar0s wrote

Best case, these bottomfeeder call-center recruiters will be incompetent but honest; worst case, they just want your SSN or other personal info.