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Ornery_Ear_5613 t1_iznru15 wrote

I am a mom and pop landlord and can attest. We are more flexible on qualifying but still, at the end of the day we don’t want a situation where you pay rent and have to live an extremely austere lifestyle because of it. Over time that is unsustainable and forces a decision to pay rent or prioritize other expenditures. It’s not good for either party. Honestly just because you are willing to spend 50% of your take home and have some savings doesn’t mean it’s a good idea. I think sharing an apt, a co-signer or moving far from your preferred location are some solid options.


thatpurplelife t1_iznw2mc wrote

Agreed. Plus what happens if they are hit with sky high utility bills or unforseen medical or car issue? There's no room to pay everything


some1saveusnow t1_izp1vv9 wrote

Rent starts coming in late, items start accumulating, oddly. I think people are less willing to get rid of certain items like an old bike for example cause it might be needed eventually. Eventually a delayed payment plan is requested


ChickenNoodle519 t1_izo0240 wrote

Have you considered getting a real job instead of leeching off other peoples paychecks? Or simply charging less rent?


Wtf_is_this1234 t1_izo3k0s wrote

I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess you've never actually owned property.


ChickenNoodle519 t1_izo8dj4 wrote

No shit, the landleeches keep hoarding it


RMR6789 t1_izpgjou wrote

There are actually people that prefer to rent and not buy homes. There are also landlords who have 1 or 2 properties and still work full time jobs. Just saying…