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fakeuser888 t1_j0m8r11 wrote

Where were you distributed? That sounds painful.


JulietEmily17 t1_j0mb3vd wrote

OP clearly states they were distributed to Everett/Chelsea. So quite frankly I think they shouldn’t be so upset.


No-Sheepherder-6257 t1_j0n5cj8 wrote

Did they try to distribute somewhere where there hasnt been an International Airport for a half a century?


subarusub69 t1_j0mdj4o wrote

Noise travels further in cold weather. As we are in December it might make sense you are hearing it more now. Then again you are like 2 maybe 3 miles from a major airport. What did you expect?


DBLJ33 t1_j0mdr7g wrote

Don’t move near an airport and complain about airport noises.


Vivecs954 t1_j0slt37 wrote

Lmao Milton gets a ton of airplane noise and it’s not near the airport


emilymm2 t1_j0mg2zy wrote

Just don’t be like that guy who submits a 311 complaint every single day about loud airplane noises coming from Logan


a_swarm_of_nuns t1_j0mf9v5 wrote

I have been so distributed. It’s not even funny.


karantza t1_j0mjwvv wrote

Depending on prevailing wind direction, they take off and land on different runways and therefore fly over different areas on approach or departure. If you're within 5mi of an airport, that's life.


AstroBuck t1_j0mzfts wrote

I've never been distributed.


navymmw t1_j0mg3fc wrote

OP how long have you lived there for?


Pinwurm t1_j0n04p1 wrote

Chelsea and Everett and near the airport, so this is to be expected. I, too, live near the airport. Most residents acclimate.

If you own your own property, you may need to invest in better windows and frames for sound insulation.

A cheaper solution is to invest in 'sleeping ear plugs' such as these.

If airplane noise continues to be a problem for you, than you should consider living farther from the airport.


Namgodtoh t1_j0mi89v wrote

I haven't noticed and I am on the end of the runway in eastie basically, but a heavy sleeper. I'm speculating but I think they climb faster and have to throttle up more in high winds which we've had.


navymmw t1_j0mkap0 wrote

I also used to live at the end of the 22s in Orient Heights, OP must be a very legit sleeper. (At that point I’d be surprised that a passing car doesn’t wake them up). Also planes decrease their throttles after like 1,000 AGL or so from take off to climb thrust, so it should be even quieter and higher once they’re around OP


excitableuno t1_j0mrk0c wrote

Time to get a white noise machine


SkipAd54321 t1_j0n3mum wrote

Traffic patterns. Every few years or so they rotate the boston air traffic patterns. There are a variety of reasons but one of them is local noise pollution. Unfortunately airplanes are noisy and any people who live by a major airport are going to get some noise from low flying craft. However it was decided when Logan was being built that east boston would have born the brunt of that noise pollution. As a middle ground that agreed to rotate the incoming air traffic to fly over from a number of different directions on a rotating basis. You’re probably just in the new pattern route. It won’t last too long. Just try and get used to it and you won’t even notice after a while


HebrewHammer14 t1_j0nmorj wrote

Buys/rents place next to airport…. Proceeds to wonder about planes being to loud…. Make it make sense


Russia_sucks69 t1_j0ou2ee wrote

I had some asshole comment about distributed, but no. The answer is no.


fromyuggoth t1_j0mh1sn wrote

I live in Jeffries Point, sleep pretty well. You might have a sleeping disorder, might want to get that checked out


AchillesDev t1_j0o1dl3 wrote

I have a friend who claims that he had more problems with plane noise in the south end than he ever has in Eastie.


S_thescientist t1_j0olrla wrote

Surprisingly loud plane noise in upper southie. Not enough to disturb during sleep, but those babies definitely hum in pretty low to the N/S runway


Cammibird t1_j0ompz2 wrote

Possibly your friend's place in Eastie had soundproofing done at some point? I know Massport does it for free for residents in the highest noise pollution areas around Logan.


AchillesDev t1_j0pc2tp wrote

It’s possible but the south end does lie directly under one of the Logan flight paths and I know personally from flying out that the planes on that path stay low over the south end, so it could just be a flight path thing.


lindslindslindsss t1_j0nqyou wrote

you live in a smaller city near the airport, I mean, am I missing something?


ManFromMu t1_j0o4cps wrote

Yes, some mornings in Charlestown it is much more noticeable than others. Last week it woke me up several mornings in a row and now it’s gone, I’ve noticed it come and go over the last 5 years I’ve lived there.


helloiamhurrrlil t1_j0oya6k wrote

I can say I have not been distributed yet and am a whole individual


Texasian t1_j0nhyfo wrote

Might be worth submitting a complaint to the FAA. I think complaints help inform them about where to spend noise mitigation money etc.

See here:

But yeah, it’s also because winter. I don’t know if it’s because it’s cold and the air is dryer or because none of the trees have leaves, but it just hits different.
