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wookiewookiewhat t1_j05ez6y wrote

The street in that picture currently has 6 total lanes (3 each way) plus the wide SWC bike path. How does this new design only have 4 lanes total? I would love dedicated bus lanes, but making that a single lane for cars would suck.


Difficult-Ad3518 t1_j05kmjo wrote

The answer is right in the linked article:

> Repurposing some of Columbus Avenue’s asphalt to create new “green infrastructure” that would narrow the roadway, calm traffic, and provide an additional buffer between the Southwest Corridor and motor vehicle traffic.

I’m all for it. We devote far too much space to the most geometrically inefficient mode of transportation (single-occupancy automobiles). This redesign will increase the throughput capacity of the avenue with respect to the number of people.


Master_Dogs t1_j06la14 wrote

More lanes does not equal better. This is a case where less is more.

A single motor vehicle travel lane is perfectly fine when paired with transit, walking and cycling improvements. I imagine they'll also upgrade signals to be more efficient so you probably won't even notice a difference once everyone has adjusted to the traffic patterns.