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IntelligentCicada363 t1_j06rrqo wrote

So how are they going to keep idiot car drivers out of the bus lanes?


Prestigious_Bobcat29 t1_j06u5gb wrote

The original Columbus ave busway design was for separated/limited access but that got vetoed by emergency services, which is probably for the best. I’ve seen fire trucks FLY down that busway. Making it less limited acces also makes it easier for idiot drivers to get out once they find themselves in


Victor_Korchnoi t1_j06z88s wrote

The center running bus lanes are pretty good at keeping drivers out. It’s completely different than a curb-adjacent bus/turn/Uber/delivery/parking lane. I encourage you to check out the Columbus Ave bus lane some time.


BadRedditUsername t1_j0719vk wrote

MA needs to legalize traffic enforcement cameras first. The T would make a killing if it put a camera on every bus and automatically ticketed any cars in the bus lane. The police don’t care enough to enforce it.


Mechanical9 t1_j071rfm wrote

One way would be automatic ticketing via cameras at the front of the busses. I don't think the MBTA has plans for it yet, but it's an easy add-on that could be put in place at any point.