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lonfal t1_j1nifp0 wrote

Dickheads. I’d say 311 it, but who knows of anyone is around today.


rushfan420 t1_j1noezn wrote

be a shame if something happened to the paint


Weekend_Expert t1_j1nraqo wrote

Not every asshole drives a luxury car, and not every luxury car driver is an asshole, but there is a LOT of overlap.


psychicsword t1_j1o1pwf wrote

I don't think it will make you feel any better but I routinely see people who work at the Eliot upper school park just like this except they do so in a way that forces pedestrians into the street.

Repeated 311 reports every time I walked by and the parking like that seems to have gotten the message through. Now they just park in the no parking areas of the road.

It is crazy the audacity and selfishness that some people display.


no_flashes t1_j1oi6k7 wrote

They’re taking up more than half of the sidewalk. Someone in a wheelchair or using a walker would find it difficult to get by. Also- since the pavement is ramped- it Is even more dangerous for disabled people to navigate.


BackBae t1_j1ov1iz wrote

That’s a pretty heavily foot trafficked area… multiple people in wheelchairs or using walkers or strollers having to navigate around that in the span of a few hours is somewhere between plausible and likely.


coldsnap123 t1_j1p076t wrote

The percentage of people who require a wheelchair is probably 3-4% out of the entire population of Massachusetts. Then distribute that population across the state. It’s rare. Incredibly rare if you zero in on that sidewalk at that particular time. Settle down.


blobbychuck t1_j1p0lx9 wrote

3-4% would, statistically speaking, be considered uncommon, not rare. There are more of us than there are redheads (if that number is even accurate, I don't feel like fact checking you). But you know what? Who cares how many of us there are? We cannot fully participate in our community because of people like this who make it unsafe. Why are you ok with isolating us from a community that we help fund with our tax dollars, in violation of federal law, just so a selfish rich boy can park his car?


SharpCookie232 t1_j1p25zb wrote

It doesn't look like a wheelchair could get by. Pretty sure that's a fine.


Jewboy-Deluxe t1_j1q4w8k wrote

Parking in Boston means you take what the city gives you.


no_flashes t1_j1u831i wrote

You know what- you’re right. Just get extra close to the car with your wheelchair, stroller, walker. I’m sure the car owner wouldn’t mind if the metal device you’re using leaves a little scratch behind along the entire length of the car. Problem solved.


no_flashes t1_j205058 wrote

I am not doing anything. I’m saying- if it requires people to get close so they are not in the street, stuff can get scratched. Accidents happen. Ever try to navigate a stroller or walker through a narrow passageway? Not easy. Chances of me going near that bakery are slim and none.


vimgod t1_j2e8u9f wrote

Can you really not tell gate was supposed to say hate? Do you have any ability to understand context or are you a bird brain that needs everything to be explicitly stated?


vimgod t1_j2eb42w wrote

Why does the car get extra space that is meant for pedestrians and disabled people? Even if it's minute, why should a disabled person suffer for a rich Mercedes driver who can't follow the laws


coldsnap123 t1_j2eccz3 wrote

Do you really want to follow every rule of law exactly the way it was written? Do you reserve the same amount of outrage when you do something outside the letter of the law? How many disabled people walk on that sidewalk per year at that particular location? All that fuss for maybe…5 people at most?


vimgod t1_j2eeq66 wrote

Who said it was? But it shouldn't happen. A private business taking advantage of a publicly owned street is not good and it should be called out. You're the only one who is so offended here. You're an absolute clown


vimgod t1_j2eilod wrote

Someone out there has a job and you sit at home commenting on any post where someone brings up a valid issue thinking you're doing something when you really are just a nothing who has accomplished nothing


coldsnap123 t1_j2ejszt wrote

All of these words, yet no sense is made. Sad. So far your interests are following laws exactly as they’re written and telling people to get a job. Do you enjoy building walls as well?


vimgod t1_j2em9ul wrote

I actually have one. It's pretty clear you don't have a job of any significance though and so you come on here to make yourself feel better. But in reality, you still are a little nobody that's accomplished absolutely nothing. And no matter how much you post on this site, that will still be true. Sorry to tell you the truth