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PMSfishy t1_j2eizjs wrote

Not bad, Chicago had ~600. There does seem to be a theme to the deaths.....


Alternative_Nail1632 t1_j2eonkr wrote

Not even one white victim, is that right? I guess the three without pics could be white but their surnames do sound common names for POC families (honest idk). It’s pretty damn sad.


Ok_Fact4397 t1_j2epe0x wrote

I don’t know why people can’t just… not kill other people

Edit: downvoters are probably the suspects


CompetitiveInhibitor t1_j2esum8 wrote

Pretty sad to look at, 90% Dorchester, Mattapan, Roxbury and nearly 100% minority citizens. Terrible terrible stuff.


Victor_Korchnoi t1_j2f85ex wrote

This doesn’t include the ~30 people killed by drivers in Boston


Frunk2 t1_j2fbz25 wrote

You realize that the vast majority of these murders were also committed by black people right? Overall Boston still has an extremely low murder rate per capita so how is this some kind of racist issue?


jamseph t1_j2fc1ra wrote

The reason this is such a fucking shitty take, and it is a very fucking shitty take, is that those communities are impoverished beyond their control. You might as well ask poor people why they don't just buy a vacation home or a yacht. It's ignorant and almost purposefully avoids addressing the real problem.


Frunk2 t1_j2fe0wk wrote

Because it’s a predominantly black neighborhood? Again the murder rate is lower than many cities in America so idk what you’re upset about. It sounds like you wish there were more white victims or perpetrators of murder in Boston.


Frunk2 t1_j2ff459 wrote

You realize there are tons of poor people, including in these neighborhoods, that don’t break any laws right? We’re talking about less than a hundred murderers in a city of 700k. Comparing it to why rich people buy yachts is frankly ridiculous. Rich people aren’t victimized when their neighbor buys a yacht


Cal__Trask t1_j2fhvgn wrote

While I can't speak to the specific offenders in these cases, I can say that statistically murder victims of all races are overwhelmingly killed by members of their own race. So blacks tend to kill blacks, whites tend to kill whites, etc. Of course these are general trends, not hard and fast rules but I see no evidence to suggest that Boston is some sort of outlier.

From the article:

According to the FBI’s Expanded Homicide data from 2018, the most recent report of this kind Reuters was able to find ( here ), 80.7% of the murders of white people were committed by white offenders (2,677 of a total of 3,315) while 15.5% of the murders of white people were committed by Black offenders (514).

The social media post also alleges white offenders committed 2% of the murders of Black victims. According to the FBI’s data, 8% of the reported murders of Black people were committed by white offenders (234 of a total of 2,925) and 88.9% by Black offenders (2,600).

FBI data from 2017 also follows this trend: 80.2% of white victims were killed by white offenders, 8.9% of Black victims were killed by whites, 88.5% of Black victims were killed by Blacks, and 16.1% of whites were killed by Blacks ( here ).


jvpewster t1_j2fqs9c wrote

I’m only half being ironic. I’ve honestly never witnessed a grassroots initiative started before my eyes and it’s been fascinating to watch over the last 4 years in the US. I’m rooting for Bike Gang.

I don’t think equating a traffic accident with murder can be anything other then rhetorical though, so I do honestly agree with what you replied. Just want to make sure Bike Gang knows I’m one of the Good Ones and won’t bash me with a kickstand in 5 years when this inevitably reaches its boiling point


OldCoaly t1_j2ftw12 wrote

You took a bad take and made it so much worse. Seemed like you were about to make a point about the correlations between crime and poverty, something with nuance that you could use to then talk about how these communities aren’t being served well with the current way programs, resources, and transport options reach them or how crime may fill a role an individual could have addressed better with more assistance from the city, community, whatever. But then you just asked how anyone can expect lower income citizens to not kill people, like it’s something in poor peoples nature that can’t be overcome. They are people too.


yas_man t1_j2fvml2 wrote

There's very little reporting on some of these, including the 14 year old child. Very unfortunate hypernormalization going on here


jamseph t1_j2fxf0i wrote

Not what I meant, but I see how you could think that. Poor people are trapped in a neverending cycle of poverty. Asking them not to resort to extremes, like crime, is an unreasonable expectation when basic necessities can't reasonably be met through other means. My intention was to point out the ignorance associated with the question " why don't they just stop killing each other?"
