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zz23ke t1_j0xsogp wrote

the stop sign


yardsale001 t1_j0xtqo2 wrote

  1. Off ramp should be divided into a two lanes (it’s wide enough).
  2. The road the off ramp leads to gives people pause cause the lines are faded and it’s tough to tell which lane the oncoming car is in
  3. Quick right turn only lane after the off ramp leads to merging confusion
  4. There’s a light at the crosswalk for the old crown plaza ~150 feet after you get off backs up traffic
  5. Last real exit for Watertown, Newton, Brighton, Brookline, etc

That whole Washington and centre st section is a mess


immoralatheist t1_j0xu50a wrote

> Off ramp should be divided into a two lanes (it’s wide enough).

It used to be consistently used as two lanes during rush hour pre-pandemic, but everyone seems to have forgotten since then


DunkinRadio t1_j0yyg3i wrote

Quite simple - there are too many cars trying to use it.


nonades t1_j0z0z62 wrote

That exit leads into the dumbest traffic pattern ever designed


NoMoLerking t1_j0z19j3 wrote

There are too many cars…but only because it’s poorly designed. For the cost of some paint it could be improved. For some real money it could be fixed.

It should be two lanes with one a protected right onto Centre St. that doesn’t have to stop. Make Centre turn two lanes so people coming around Washington St can make it also. If you want to go into that parking lot from Washington you need to make the turn onto Centre. Or something. I don’t know. But we’ve tried nothing and that hasn’t worked.


SpaceBasedMasonry t1_j0z5grq wrote

>It should be two lanes with one a protected right onto Centre St. that doesn’t have to stop. Make Centre turn two lanes so people coming around Washington St can make it also

I think that gets to the principal problem, but you's still get cross traffic of people coming off the ramp who want to continue straight, and people coming around the curve that want to take that right on to Centre street. The potential for a collision would still cause people to hesitate as the come off the exit, just like now.


Dseltzer1212 t1_j0zkomn wrote

Because of the traffic circle and the light. It was very poorly designed


SpiritedCamel_ t1_j1016sv wrote

There's lots of cars taking that exit around the same time.


deegofuego t1_j10bziy wrote

and that is precisely why i simply go to exit 125 towards west newton and Wellesley. loops you right down the street from that washington street light mess


fatnoah t1_j10gtu9 wrote

When the pike extension was built, the nation's best and brightest came together to design Newton Corner. They studied long and hard, and put decades of collective experience together to come up with a design that dumps traffic from the highway and local roads into a half-mile circle of pavement with 216 street signs, 23 crosswalks, and 12 traffic lights.


Kingpine42069 t1_j113od5 wrote

because its a rotary involving a major highway and like 6 stop lights and lots of people trying to go 2 lanes to the left or right across each other or else they will end up in the wrong city


JasperDyne t1_j12grks wrote

It’s a conspiracy by the International Body Shop Consortium to increase local revenue.


Playererf t1_j1jf4vr wrote

There's a reason we call that rotary the Circle of Death