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willzyx01 t1_j25r0bh wrote

Employees are forbidden from doing anything. Some companies will literally fire employees if they do anything when they get robbed.

Besides, who wants get to murdered over a can of Red Bull?


Proof-Variation7005 t1_j25z8xc wrote

Years ago, my brother worked in a Strawberries in Randolph and the inventory alarm thing went off. He walked out to say "Excuse me, I think we forgot to deactivate the security tag", as was the policy of theirs at the time.

Dude turned around, pulled out a knife and said something to the effect of "maybe this set it off."


My brother then promptly went back into the store.


Alphatron1 t1_j263bpc wrote

I’ll tell my story from Best Buy in Leominster. We had some junky girl walk in with poop all over her sweatpants. They were filthy. She cleaned out an entire display of fire sticks because no one wanted to contact her.


man2010 t1_j25rtyp wrote

What do you expect the employees to do? Stopping someone from shoplifting is way above the pay grade of a cashier, never mind it being against the policy of virtually every retail store


DistinctBook t1_j260634 wrote

I worked in a 7X24 hour quickie mart. People used to steal all the time. They didnt pay me enough to care


Stronkowski t1_j263m9d wrote

I worked in a grocery store in high school. One guy came in and stole like 6 times in row (before they had enough video footage to get the cops to find/arrest him). They actively told us not to care.


Efficient_Art_1144 t1_j25slt5 wrote

Take a look at their latest 10-is and see if their leakage or lost inventories are moving in the wrong direction or even showing up in their financials. It’s not a new thing.


Local_Judge t1_j25tmzz wrote

Well they are now closing stores everywhere and not in just boston due to this high petty theft problem… so I’m not cheering on the big cooperations .. there are many of us hardworking taxpaying people that actually get in line to pay for shit.. that get kinda pissed


Efficient_Art_1144 t1_j25txr9 wrote

No that’s rising rents. They’ve been beating their earnings several quarters in a row.


SweatyCockroach8212 t1_j25u12d wrote

Then why didn't you stop the thieves?


Local_Judge t1_j25utch wrote

Hey if was my store .. I would of had different ending then a reddit post


SweatyCockroach8212 t1_j25v4n0 wrote

If your requirement to stop thieves is you'd need to be the owner, let me break it to you, the owner of CVS was not in the store.


bakrTheMan t1_j264m7l wrote

Maybe the employees thought the same thing genius


bakrTheMan t1_j264p22 wrote

They were already planning to do so they just know people like you will believe whatever they say if they feed it through the news first


Local_Judge t1_j26553p wrote

Ok. It is all about money of course… I should of known… nothing else going on here


Local_Judge t1_j25vf8e wrote

So just let them steal sell the stuff on street and keep doing whatever they are doing.. that has them in this life long repetition


Local_Judge t1_j25sov1 wrote

Ok i se get hat but what about upper management these stores are closing all over the city due to the massive theft problem


felineprincess93 t1_j25wbz7 wrote

How do you know it's specifically due to the "massive theft problem?"

CVS reported $3 billion in profit mid year 2022. I'm not exactly crying for the corporation.


Effective_Golf_3311 t1_j25y8es wrote

Nobody is… but they’ll cry about the impending pharmacy desert when the business decides to shut down the stores that are losing cash in favor of the ones that aren’t.


Illustrious-Nose3100 t1_j25xysy wrote

All their products are over priced anyway..


cleancutmover t1_j2638hp wrote

They are priced higher now to cover the losses that everyone is saying ain't a big deal. Its like people cannot put 2 and 2 together and understand how anything works.


eatthatcakeyo t1_j25z6te wrote

They steal more in wages from employees than what petty theft costs them. Why are you sticking up for corporations? And stop being a narc.


Stronkowski t1_j263xv2 wrote

The party in question doesn't affect who is in the right.


riski_click t1_j25y0u0 wrote

I haven't seen anything about closing stores because of theft, I have seen that they are opening more "stores" in target. They just opened one in Kendall a few months ago that seems to be doing fine.


Local_Judge t1_j25zlcj wrote

CVS on albany … Walgreens Washington.. Cumberland farm’s albany and mass ave..CVS Mecca plaza will probably close within the next year from what I saw .. hey whatever billion dollar companies but again.. some of us pay and then we pay again


riski_click t1_j2603cs wrote

lol. If someone told you Walgreens on Washington closed because of theft, they're just in denial that it was a shit store that was directly across the street from a CVS that is easily three times the size.. There was literally nothing done right with that store. The Walgreens that used to be a Borders is less than a mile away and doing fine.


Local_Judge t1_j25vqj7 wrote

Ya let’s not give fuck it seems to be working out just fine


felineprincess93 t1_j25wjhx wrote

If you want to be a vigilante for corporations, be my guest - I'm not sure what it is you're asking the rest of us on Reddit here to do.


riski_click t1_j25xpjc wrote

their stock price took a hit during the pandemic, but it's made a comeback. It's up 20% over the past 5 years. I'm guessing the shareholders would tell you not giving a fuck is working just fine.


Proof-Variation7005 t1_j263eeo wrote

The inevitable lawsuit from employees, shoplifters, or customers getting injured will absolutely cost more than the last of merchandise.


[deleted] OP t1_j25y5je wrote



Whiplash92123 t1_j2606c8 wrote

Security won’t be able to do anything either. I worked Loss Prevention in the past and there are industry standards that need to be followed to the letter in order for you to make a “stop” for shoplifting. Vast majority of companies that have in house LP aren’t allowing them to make stops for external shoplifting anymore, it’s a liability and opens the company up to lawsuits/workers comp injury claims.

The more profitable/damaging losses are from internal theft, those are still pursued by LP, since the company has more control over what can be done and is able to actually hand out punishment to the person stealing.


man2010 t1_j25xa4p wrote

I think CVS is doing just fine and there doesn't seem to be a shortage of them in Boston


Effective_Golf_3311 t1_j25y37n wrote

What they’re doing is no longer a crime in Boston so I’m not sure what you’re getting at


Competitive_Bat4000 t1_j260yj3 wrote

As someone that worked at cvs and other retail stores 15-20 yrs ago, even back then, we’d call the cops after stopping shoplifters, they’d show up 5-6 hours after the call. You’d just sit there awkwardly waiting for a bit until you just let them go.

Not worth the hassle and head office didn’t want employees getting involved.


michael_scarn_21 t1_j25wjeg wrote

They'll just write off the shrinkage as business losses of course. Sucks when half the customers are on the nick but I'd rather we as a society dealt with the cost of living crisis rather than targeting petty theft.


pillbinge t1_j25yi2l wrote

They can't do anything. We've become a managerial society, and managers hate taking action. Even the police don't respond to basic things anymore. It turns out you can just steal stuff now.


SparkDBowles t1_j26220g wrote

And yet they keep installing more add checkouts. Less jobs, less oversight of these machines. Sounds like a compounding problem they’re helping to cause.


Local_Judge t1_j264fp0 wrote

No motive here just noticing a trend between theft and sore closures ..


TheTr7nity t1_j25wtzy wrote

They should stop being cheap and just hire a police or security detail. The store down the street use to get hit up by shoplifters on the regular, all that stopped when they started hiring police details for the front door.


Local_Judge t1_j25yiz1 wrote

Just noticing a trend .. not on a mission.. just have seen several stores close down for this one reason . Hey let’s not let’s not give a fuck sounds like a plan


DoubIeDryHop t1_j2613pm wrote

You don’t honestly believe a company that size would close stores simply because some people are stealing energy drinks. Store closures are a strategic decision, regardless of the retailer, and CVS announced a few years ago it’d close roughly 9% of their 10,000 stores (or 900) - beginning in 2022 - to accommodate shifts in consumer behavior.


Local_Judge t1_j261k74 wrote

I disagree.. u obviously don’t live out here


DoubIeDryHop t1_j26254z wrote

You don’t need to agree with the reason to still be wrong. And, yes, I do live “out here” and have worked in corporate retail management for 20 years.


mycoplasma79 t1_j264kyt wrote

Is this why so many products are locked behind those plastic shields now?


DBLJ33 t1_j25z6n6 wrote

Why would they care. Thanks to Rachel Rollins, Suffolk County doesn’t prosecute for shoplifting. There’s no point in arresting these people.


_lainan t1_j25vpnq wrote

if it's a chain, it's free rein.


Ironofmaiden t1_j25vbav wrote

The people shoplifting are probably struggling too… CVS is probably going to be ok.


pillbinge t1_j25yp3o wrote

Everyone's struggling these days, including people who are trying to fire on all cylinders to get that last brain cell working where they defend shoplifting things they don't need - like Red Bull.