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mpjjpm t1_j26k0l6 wrote

It was demolished in early November. Soon to be condos.


aray25 t1_j26pv07 wrote

Better than a bank.


mpjjpm t1_j26qig3 wrote

Absolutely. Only 5 units, and I’m sure they will be $1M+, but I’ll take whatever housing we can get.


some1saveusnow t1_j27v30k wrote

Damnnn we’re on a fast track to be SF


WilyDreamer t1_j2a9le8 wrote

I believe Boston is currently tied with SF as highest median rent for the country.

Edit. Tied with SF for the #2 slot, NYC being #1.


dvdquikrewinder t1_j29ephc wrote

I'm not sure there's actual benefit in creating more expensive housing though when affordable housing for people in general is the real problem


mpjjpm t1_j29kefu wrote

Among many other things, the severe housing shortage is driving prices up. There is a market for $1M condos, especially is an already expensive neighborhood like Coolidge Corner. These condos mean the older condos of similar size will drop in price (or at least stop increasing so dramatically).

This type of development is perfect for that spot - small scale infill sized to the available lot. Hard for NIMBYS to oppose it.


dvdquikrewinder t1_j29n53d wrote

I'll defer to your understanding, just seems surprising that adding more luxury housing would help. You're saying there's not enough supply for it?


mpjjpm t1_j29rxl4 wrote

I’m saying the housing shortage is so bad in the area that any new housing is good. People who can afford luxury housing will buy it, and leaves an existing non-luxury building available for someone else. Luxury infill development in neighborhoods that are already established as expensive places to live will help reduce gentrification in other parts of town. If we’re going to build new luxury condos, it’s much better to have them in Coolidge Corner than in Brighton.


Sayoria t1_j26vzzk wrote

How long has it been closed? I remember seeing this months back and was like "I should check them out one day".


This is a shame.


ForwardBound t1_j26w900 wrote

I stood on that very floor several times--great karaoke spot.


Psirocking t1_j2964hu wrote

But they can’t demolish that eyesore on Pleasant Street 🙄


3720-To-One OP t1_j29i4dz wrote

Brookline NIMBYs gonna NIMBY 🤷‍♂️


bostexa t1_j29ymy8 wrote

Is the hotel+condos project not moving forward?


mpjjpm t1_j29xmor wrote

You mean the one wrapped in black mesh? It’s coming down eventually, along with the parking deck behind it. To be replaced with condos and a hotel. The most recent records I’ve seen are from April 2022, but they’re at the stage of nit-picking color selection for the building facades.


bostexa t1_j29yhrp wrote

Oh the one near Beacon St that is supposed to turn into a hotel and apartments? Yeah, it's taking a while


Buffyoh t1_j262y5v wrote

What was it before Osaka? Was this the corner building near Zaftig's Deli?


Mattressexual t1_j296n3k wrote

Walked by it in the morning and they were just starting. By the afternoon it was all gone.