Submitted by HelicopterThink9958 t3_zrw7nn in boston


SECOND UPDATE: Sorry ya'll, between work and holidays I wasn't able to update until today. I got a call back from MSPCA on Friday and they said that the person who answered the door said there was no dog in the apartment and there was nothing more they could do unless I had video evidence. I reminded them that I had audio recordings of it happening and they said that wasn't enough to gain access to the apartment without inhabitant consent. I understand the reasoning but fucking hell, that didn't do ANYTHING. I heard it again last night and called them again. I will keep calling every time I hear it. I appreciate the DMs offering to come and help, and the one of you that thinks I'm a 'dumbass' because its 'just a dog, not like its a person'. Merry f'in Christmas I guess.

UPDATE: I called MSPCA again this morning(about 10am) and talked to a person. They told me they would send an officer out today and call me back.

I can hear my upstairs neighbor beating the living shit out of their dog daily. I have knocked on their door probably 20 times (each time I hear it happening) and called police multiple times. They never answer their door and just turn on music really loud. Ive left notes on their door begging them to give me the dog, no questions asked. (told them they can leave it on my balcony when im not home during the day)

It breaks my heart to hear how this dog is being treated. I can hear it screaming when they beat it. If anyone has any ideas or resources, please let me know.

Small update: called MSPCA and got voicemail, but left a detailed message. Also put in a ticket with the landlord management company.



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