Submitted by thehuntforrednov t3_10h4kgt in boston
---- Edit 1/29/2023 ----
I got a lot of good advice, and wanted to update this in case someone in the future sees this with a similar question. There are tons of good areas to look for apartments in the comments of this post, and neat little quirks I wasn't expecting. Just generally good advice and I appreciated all the answers.
From a purely financial perspective it's kind of easy to do. You need to figure how much your cost of living is going to go up, and then factor in income tax to see where that lands you. I am going from ~$1,000 per month in a mortgage to likely $3,000 for rent. This is a difference of 2000 per month / 24,000 per year. 24,000 per year after tax translates to about $37,000 in salary. The rest of the costs are similar enough that I don't think they'll move the needle all that much. With my current salary of $115,000 I will need to look for jobs that pay $152,000 to be equal. Another way to look at this same number is saying for every additional $1 in monthly cost of living you should make ~$20 (really $18.5 but that's annoying to remember) more in yearly salary.
Obviously, there are pros and cons to every location on Earth so that has to matter to you as well in the decision making process, but that's too much of a personal answer for me to give any advice there.
---- Original Post ----
I know this kind of question gets asked a lot. I try being helpful with these kinds of questions in my local subreddit so hopefully a few of you can help me. I searched and got some ideas, but I still would like a 'personalized' version of that info. I'll try to make it easy.
Destination: Somewhere near a hybrid job in Lexington, MA.
Living Arrangement: An apartment is fine I don't need/want another single-family home.
Who: me + girlfriend that makes about 70% what I do.
Age: 30
Children: None, no plans to have any.
Salary: $115,000 in AL
Mortgage: $900 monthly (includes insurance and property tax)
Price of a reasonably 'nice' lunch: $12-15
So, what's a reasonable salary to expect in order to make this with no huge quality of life changes? I see median income is 97k for Lexington, whereas I'm moving from just based on that I'm thinking a big number. If I haven't provided enough info let me know what I'm missing?
Rabl t1_j56hviq wrote
I spent a few years living in Birmingham. Cost of living here is staggeringly higher. Even for a (by Alabama standards) small condo, you're looking at $2000—$3000 month all-in (and that's assuming you can put a reasonable amount down). You'd probably need to look at $175–200K to match that $115K in AL.
As for quality of life, the BBQ up here is terrible, but just about everything else is better.