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nobletrout0 t1_j5mbdex wrote

Something is wrong or your thermostat is at 70


dudeKhed t1_j5mch6m wrote

It’s 68, why would you say that something is wrong? We use approx 75 gallons a month, that’s 2.5 gallons a day?!


nobletrout0 t1_j5p99y8 wrote

That’s a meaningless number, you need to track gallons per degree day. Start putting your oil receipt into a google spreadsheet, enter all the numbers, track your kfactor etc

But if you want a comparison my 3000 square foot house used 2.4 gallons between late October and late December in NH. I have the thermostat go down to 58 at night /daytime and up to 67 for the evening afternoon when everyone is home.

You are probably not insulated in your attic or not enough.


dudeKhed t1_j5pixan wrote

We are not, it’s a very old home with settled blown in on the first and no insulation in the attic rafters. We keep it at 68 day/night


nobletrout0 t1_j5pj9lm wrote

Replace your thermostat with a nest or something. If nothing else turning down the heat when you aren’t home will save you enough to pay for it

Also my house is about twice as old as yours. I think you are renting but if not get some spray foam in the rafters


dudeKhed t1_j5pkllm wrote

We have ecoBees on all floors. We prefer warmer nights. This spring we are re-doing the attic so we are spray foaming.

FYI, I did look up the average consumption of homes in Cold weather climates. 50 deg ambient = 2.0 gals per day avg 40 deg ambient = 3.7 gallons 30 deg ambient = 5.3 gallons 20 deg ambient = 7.0 gallons

So it looks like we are below / on par with that with this seasons averages.

average usage article


nobletrout0 t1_j5q4y1i wrote

Nothing beats degree days for measurement. If your oil company is worth a damn it’ll report on your degree days since last fill up and kfactor.