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PHOTO500 t1_j6kk56a wrote

Somewhere a Russian oligarch is on his yacht reading OP’s headline and laughing his ass off.


mini4x t1_j6kndx7 wrote

This is a Japanese built and owned ship, somehow fagged to Panama, bringing Japanese built cars to the US.


gronkspike25 t1_j6kxdgp wrote

The flag is of convenience. It’s significantly cheaper for the company.


mini4x t1_j6kxoof wrote

Ahh, the Minnesota loop hole of the ocean?


BostonUrbEx t1_j6l3wvb wrote

And almost entirely staffed by Philippinos for some reason, too. And not unique to these ships. Lots of Philippinos on cruise ships working behind the scenes. Never could figure out why.


mini4x t1_j6l49jl wrote

Pretty easy - one of the poorest countries in the world so they will work dirt cheap. I met a bunch of Filipino workers on Wake Island ages ago, they were some of the nicest guys too.


Rindan t1_j6kr0w5 wrote

I don't get it. Why would a Russian oligarch find it funny that a big cargo ship moved cars between two American states via the cheapest means possible?

I think Russian oligarchs probably have some more serious stuff to worry about - like finding a way to keep ingratiating themselves with Putin so they don't accidentally fall out a window with three gun shots in the back of their head.