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RickyDontLoseThat t1_j4ruez3 wrote

I had to reread this a few times to be positive that an 85 year old female wasn't running topless along the Charles in this weather.


AdoltTwittler t1_j4rwv7h wrote

Came here to ask 85 yo OP to please leave her shirt on!


RailRoad_Candy t1_j4w3agr wrote

Did the same thing. "What is wrong with you lady!? Why would you advertise that?!"


Reckless--Abandon t1_j4tf8qj wrote

Interesting thing that this made me think of - I feel like topless refers to a girl with her shirt off and shirtless is usually for guys.


JasperDyne t1_j4soldv wrote

I was worried that OP might put their eye out or something.