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RickyDontLoseThat t1_j4ruez3 wrote

I had to reread this a few times to be positive that an 85 year old female wasn't running topless along the Charles in this weather.


AdoltTwittler t1_j4rwv7h wrote

Came here to ask 85 yo OP to please leave her shirt on!


RailRoad_Candy t1_j4w3agr wrote

Did the same thing. "What is wrong with you lady!? Why would you advertise that?!"


Reckless--Abandon t1_j4tf8qj wrote

Interesting thing that this made me think of - I feel like topless refers to a girl with her shirt off and shirtless is usually for guys.


JasperDyne t1_j4soldv wrote

I was worried that OP might put their eye out or something.


Chippopotanuse t1_j4s4o4s wrote

Right now every pervert on here is running on the Charles looking for an old topless lady.


imdoingmyroutine t1_j4s4m8n wrote

That's wild. I literally just stop running in the summer since it's so miserable. I switch to my bike. Running over 55-60 degrees is hot


ForwardBound t1_j4stdpe wrote

That's funny. I stop running in the winter because it's too cold. I can't stand it!


imdoingmyroutine t1_j4stjbn wrote

Have you tried getting proper clothes? It def sucks once it's below 10 degrees or so but between 30-40 is amazing and most common winter temp


ForwardBound t1_j4tjd3q wrote

I trained through many winters in bitter temps chasing big PRs at Super Sunday, New Bedford, and Boston clad head to toe in the warmest gear Tracksmith had to offer, but after my last injury, my hardcore switch flipped off and I no longer feel any need to go out in the cold or the dark. I miss it sometimes but the feeling of not being obligated to go run outside no matter the weather is, frankly, incredible.


jcosta223 t1_j4u642j wrote

What kind of injury? I worry about hurting myself running but people say it's a myth and that running makes your bones and joints stronger.


ForwardBound t1_j4up5c9 wrote

A hamstring injury. Running doesn't ruin your knees, really, but you have to be sure to stretch and strengthen to avoid overuse injuries.


Gjallarhorn15 t1_j4tv9lq wrote

I've always found 40ish to be the sweet spot. Overcast days when it's 50-60F are nice, too. But once we're above 80 it's rough, and the 90+ days I'd do when I was younger are too taxing now.

The cold (and snow) are fine until it gets below 20. No amount of layers or insulation is helping breathe that bitter air.


jro10 t1_j4thssj wrote

I’m with you. Nothing beats winter running as long as you invest in cold gear. I trained for Chicago this summer and it was murder—even at 5:30am.

Winter running is so peaceful. Your body heats up quickly while running and you’re not sweating your ass off the entire time.


sullengirl96 t1_j4simax wrote

Ew no one wants to see you running around shirtless. Put a shirt on


meltyourtv t1_j4sv66f wrote

You’re 85f? And run shirtless???


riski_click t1_j4sfijd wrote

glad you clarified Fahrenheit, I was assuming you liked to run in 85 degrees Celsius weather..


YourPlot t1_j4tf06k wrote

We also prefer the cold days, because you’re not out there shirtless.


seanhive t1_j4sil28 wrote

Yeah it was. Felt a tinge of "is spring coming?" --No it isn't


tbootsbrewing t1_j4sd5vp wrote

I like it when it’s cold and the paths are empty


umpflmumpfl t1_j4trvzo wrote

Did you know that there is no temperature that justifies running shirtless? You'll look like a douche 100% of the time


IdkWhatIwant895 t1_j4siiwz wrote

I just got some vibrams. I plan to run with those all along the esplanade in the spring to get slim for my bali trip.


Commercial_Board6680 t1_j4vdl20 wrote

I'm not sure if I'm up to seeing shirtless 85 yo in any weather.


LeftyGalore t1_j4zvuyl wrote

One winter I ran on the Charles in the evening no matter the weather. I ran in sleet, through slush, and in the snow. It was great. That winter I never caught a cold or flu or even a sore throat!