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-Gabe t1_j5go35m wrote

>You didn't answer the question. > >Why do you need to be peeping into someone's home from a fire escape?

I didn't answer this question because it's a stupid question. Did you ever think maybe this dude lied to the police? "Yeah officer, I went out for a smoke and then got locked out, so I was trying to see if I could get back into my apartment."

>And did you not read the police response to this when they were called? Are you for real right now?

I have not read the police report. All the information we have is 3rd-hand information. I am for real. Bitching about lack of police action on Reddit while not filing a police report is peak hypocrisy.

>How about the cops do their fucking job and take this seriously from the moment they're told someone is using fire escapes to peep into people's windows

Do we even know if the police were ever told this? Nothing in OPs message suggests that the cops knew the guy was peeping into people's window. Simply: "yes, he was on the "third floor" but he only had a flashlight and no weapons so there is nothing to be worried about"

I'll die on this hill...

OP. Needs. To. File. A. Police. Report.

Start building that paper trail.