Submitted by IslandinTime t3_10ozp2u in boston

The Boston Globe Spotlight team: sex scandal at science institute. It's important to a degree, but can this talented team please investigate something of larger/greater substance? This reads like a Lifetime mini series. Maybe they hope to leverage this into some show for revenue or something, it's just, more noise. Can't they dig into the money hidden at the top? What happened to the paradise papers or the panama papers? Who the F are the local proud boys? Sex sells and the paper needs to make money but, ugh. Sorry , rant



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Kara_Ashley_5 t1_j6hn41u wrote

He man woman haters club. You do realize this type of stuff happens to women on the daily and it's way more common than anything you just mentioned, right? Women in the country can't walk down the street and buy a cup of coffee no matter try and advance their career. If you can't understand why that story is important YOU are the problem.


capta2k t1_j6ho2u4 wrote

My dude, which PR firm do you work for?


IslandinTime OP t1_j6ho7qt wrote

I said it was important Kara. You do not lend value to your argument to call someone a "woman hater". I am pleased to see the increasing focus on the poor treatment of women by predator men being addressed and I have seen the data to support the fact that every time a society increases the protection freedom and education for women the overall society improves, without exception that the fact. A better world is made with more women being empowered to contribute and assume leadership. But minds like yours are another matter, your mind is emotional and reactionary, and that flaw has nothing to do with what's between your legs. I realize more than you assume.


IslandinTime OP t1_j6hpoeg wrote

I said "your mind" was emotional. So you're wrong there. It reads like a lifetime movie. My point is the value of the Spotlight team vs. the story overall. It's like using a blow torch to toast your bread, a chainsaw to cut the butter and a fork lift to carry the plate to the table. The spotlight team could be used to more difficult investigating tasks. I wasn't clear enough earlier, my apologies.


mpjjpm t1_j6hqw4u wrote

The shit alleged in the Whitehead/Sabatini report is insidious in academia and biotech. Academia and biotech are the primary driving force of the economy in the Boston metro area. Far more people in the Boston metro area are impacted by this type of sexual harassment on a day-to-day basis than anything else you cited. Also, it isn’t a zero sum game. Newspapers can write about many things. Other papers will write about national issues. Only local papers are going to did into local stories of corruption (and yes, long running, systematic sexual harassment is a form of corruption).


man2010 t1_j6hrvz5 wrote

I'm sorry the Globe isn't using all its resources to validate your vague conspiracy theories


No_Judge_3817 t1_j6hwhw9 wrote

so you're saying instead of investigating a local sex scandal a local paper should be investigating documents about offshore money laundering from mostly foreign people?

You're one of those dumbfucks who screams about the Panama Papers not knowing they have almost nothing to do with Americans.

Brb gonna make a thread asking why the Weston Middle School paper isn't doing enough to investigate George Santos


Shelby-Stylo t1_j6hzfqn wrote

I thought it was really interesting. I don’t think it makes any sense to label long term relationships sexual harassment. Right up until the end of the relationship, the woman in the affair was hoping that that the relationship would actually deepen. I know workplace harassment is a serious problem but let’s not get hysterical. How many science couples do you know that meet at work? I can think of three sets of married friends who met at work.


AnyRound5042 t1_j6ilagu wrote

Except it isn't true. The Panama papers affect literally everybody. Not to be callous because it's obviously an issue that is important but I've never been sexually harassed at work. So the comment you're replying to is just making stuff up and spreading whataboutism to derail the topic at hand


Headbandallday t1_j6nvkiv wrote

It was a great story and worthy of our time. It seemed the woman making the accusations was upset that the professor didn't want something more serious with her and took him down because of that, which is wildly unfair. I also think it's a lesson to not sleep with people related to your work environment. (Unless you plan to seriously date them.)