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KayakerMel t1_j6omn5b wrote

My issue is every single new development is freaking "luxury." That's why that Braintree one bedroom has a ridiculous price.


fuckitillmakeanother t1_j6osdzd wrote

Luxury housing isn't luxury because it's nice, it's just luxury because it's new. Places that currently are not considered luxury were considered luxury when they were new. Someday this new luxury housing will be considered old and cheap,but only if we keep building more.

No one is going to invest money into building housing and market it as 'subpar housing' or 'eh it's okay housing'.

The cost of those units has more to do with the lack of other housing in the area rather than any relation to the quality of the housing.


Significant_Shake_71 t1_j6pe7kz wrote

Many people still can’t comprehend that. If they did they probably be more outraged at the NIMBYs and local zoning laws