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batmansmotorcycle t1_j5wxrcl wrote

Why is the argument for everything “well Europe does it so we should do”. It’s like watching boomers meme on Facebook.


BfN_Turin t1_j5wzkl5 wrote

Well. The person before me mentioned it can’t be done. I showed an example that it can. Sorry I hurt your “America is always the best” brain with it.


batmansmotorcycle t1_j5x3jdh wrote

Nothing to do my brain or the country, it’s a false equivalency fallacy commonplace in this sub.

It can be done, at a prohibitively expensive cost. There isn’t a really benefit to it either other than a nicer view maybe.

You’d have to bury local substations and long transmission lines to fully be free from weather disruptions.

I love disagreeing with the /r/Boston hive mind.


CJYP t1_j5xb88f wrote

So in your mind, it's not a benefit to reduce weather related power outages unless you can eliminate them completely?


batmansmotorcycle t1_j5yju5t wrote

Lol no I think the people who argue for this grew up on a nice suburban culd a sac with burried lines and have no idea how the grids work.

Worth it at what cost?

Give me an estimate if one exists.
