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A_Participant t1_j5yxj9f wrote

15 minute intervals on trains would be a game changer for commuter rails. Once an hour during prime commute times is so limiting. One of the biggest frustrations of the commuter rail today is that if you have to plan your day around the schedule and if get held up a few extra minutes at your work or appointment, you lose an hour milling about at South Station.


MiloMinderbinder-22 t1_j5zdvip wrote

>you lose an hour milling about at South Station

Or at North Station. Yay for no North-South Rail Link?


KittensWithChickens t1_j5zhem6 wrote

This is so underrated and baffling to me. I’m from NY originally and our commuter rail isn’t great but there are at least 10 between 7-10 am. Why can’t Boston do the same?? It makes no sense.


KittensWithChickens t1_j5zhfgf wrote

This is so underrated and baffling to me. I’m from NY originally and our commuter rail isn’t great but there are at least 10 between 7-10 am. Why can’t Boston do the same?? It makes no sense.