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charons-voyage t1_j53ua9e wrote

First, congrats! Don’t worry about packing too much. We delivered at another Boston hospital but here is some general advice.

Bring phone charger(s) and change of clothes for both of you. We stayed 5 nights each delivery…not great and our clothes smelled after but whatever.

Grippy (maternity) socks for wife (tufts provided them)

Flip flops (so you can jump outta bed and get whatever wife needs at whatever hour she needs it if the nurses are busy)

Car seat!!! Hospital won’t let you leave without it (or stroller I assume if not driving but idk)


Get mentally prepared to watch a team of people stick all sorts of things into your wife’s vagina (seriously wtf was that balloon thing).

If you are offered the chance to cut the umbilical cord, do it! Great experience imo.

Lastly, if you feel like you’re gonna faint (I did with our second, which was weird), sit down! Don’t go passing out all over everyone lol.