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DRZ36 t1_j66ffoy wrote

It feels like people are either: (1) this poor mom - she had her life ruined by PPD or (2) there are no excuses, she’s a killer. Almost no one commenting here knows the extent of her PPD (although from rumors, it was pretty severe), who she was before PPD, the full backstory about how this played out or why this happened. It’s good to see people being aware of PPD, but blindly calling her a victim isn’t really a terribly bright take either.

I just know the kids were innocent here and what happened to them is awful. I feel like it’s really sad that everyone seems drawn to this story to give their uneducated take on the mom and what her fault is. I just feel for the kids who lives were needlessly taken


Feisty-Donkey t1_j66hvv5 wrote

I think the point about not much being known is very appropriate, though that will change as information comes out at trial, because this absolutely will be an obsessively documented trial.

I think some of it is that people have no idea how to react to something this horrible and need to find something easy or comfortable to label it with. We’ll learn more with time.

I was young so I only vaguely remember contemporaneous coverage of Andrea Yates but I remember her being treated as a monster. Then, when I read the case details years later, it seemed very clear that her husband’s religious beliefs were a huge factor in what happened to her children and now I feel nothing but pity for her.


teriyakichicken t1_j66mu6d wrote

This story horrifies me and makes me wonder “could that have been me”? That’s obviously an extreme - but I feel like it could happen to anyone under the right circumstances. I have sympathy for the Mom (because I can’t imagine any Mom that would do this in a “sane” state of mind) but also feel extreme sadness for the kids and Father. PPP can come on suddenly and with almost no obvious warning signs. Take a look at Carol Coronado’s case. As a new Mom this story sparked a new and irrational fear in me.


chickadeedadee2185 t1_j67cs4d wrote

Maybe, people are focusing on the other because their minds cannot handle the horror.