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randomizeme1234 t1_j60tnlc wrote

There are some practicing doctors who have a specialization in helping overcome allergic reactions. Not easy to find but can help some people. If they are not able to detect it with their tests, then it may be more psychosomatic, which is not to downplay it, but a different approach, like therapist, may be helpful.


anon22196 t1_j60ufb7 wrote

Honestly, it's not a mental issue. It's literally my lungs. I don't want to have allergies like this, but I do. Honestly don't wanna talk about it but I just wanna be able to go on a jog and not have an asthma attack you know??


randomizeme1234 t1_j60wcav wrote

I believe you and suggest you find a clinical immunologist/ allergy specialist. They can sometimes teach your system to ignore the stimulus.


Proof-Variation7005 t1_j60y54w wrote

I think you're really underestimating the psychosomatic control that mind has over matter.

For people with a severe food allergy, simple telling them that the thing they just ate had peanuts or whatever can and will make symptoms start to manifest themselves in people. Experiments like this haven't been done for decades, for obvious ethical reasons, but it's been proven that the body can be tricked into real symptoms without the actual exposure.