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septagon t1_j6o06jc wrote

See: every major American city with full progressive/democrat leadership. They NEVER fix the things they claim to care about.


sihtydaernacuoytihsy t1_j6oeij5 wrote

That seems like a littttttle bit of a stretch. Many fail to live up to their own intentions, and adopt half-measures and can-kicking. Weirdly, however, crime is down, guns are down, teen pregnancy is down, unemployment is down, trash is down, education is up, incomes are up, amenities are up, in most of those cities over the course of the last couple decades.

Indeed, the reason we have the housing price crunch and the gentrification and displacement is that American cities (all major US cities are varyingly blue) have become much more desirable locations over the last couple generations. Maybe that's a result of progressive leadership, maybe it's not, but a lot of things that we cared about a generation ago are a lot better now. Change is slow and imperfect.

Edit: PS the adjective is "Democratic", when you're not watching Tucker.