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ducky2090 t1_j6w97zy wrote

Why is there a car for the photo


BlazinDimes t1_j6xv6mj wrote

Snatch up an old Sony Trinitron CRT for free and an HDMI to RGB adapter.
Your friends will think you're super trendy.
Eventually one will offer to trade you a high end monitor for it.


swilden t1_j6yuew0 wrote

The free sync or sync and the 120+hz works over the HDMI and IPS is the better panel type for color on monitors.

I don't know if it's the best for the price and if companies have changed things around but a little while ago to have vrr and 120hz or 144hz it was only supported for the display port and not the HDMI. That's why I picked this one out for my friend at the time and he says he's still happy with it. Just from a few months or so after the ps5 was released.


SnoopDeLaRoup t1_j6yzqip wrote

You're absolutely right. I recommend OP to spend a bit more money on a decent monitor, or just get a decent bigger TV for the price. I should note I was pleasantly suprised when checking to see if there was a 120hz 4k screen, at the actual price of them nowadays. They are pretty cheap now, I'm half tempted to get another screen lol.


SpeedyFaust t1_j6z66jk wrote

Sell those lights and you will be able to afford one


SyrupSyrus t1_j92g6mf wrote

I suggest trying to find a 1440p 144hz or 165hz monitor. Your not going to get a 4k120fps monitor for that amount so find something with those specs so you get the best of both worlds