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FrontwaysLarryVR t1_j72qub7 wrote

How often have you tried your Quest? There's a thing we call "getting your VR legs" since your brain isn't really programmed at first to see a different world than your own at first.

Very much varies from person to person, but almost always goes away if people take breaks and ease into it. I just recommend playing sitting down at first if you get dizzy.

We had some friends over recently and put on person in and he was fine, having only tried VR once like a year prior. Put it on someone else and she was instantly dizzy, so I sat her down and then she actually enjoyed it.


NotMyFkingProblem t1_j72t10o wrote

I've had it for 2 years and played daily for a while, but anything where I would be moving makes me dizzy. I can play beat saber for hours but 10 min of walkabout minigolf and I'm puking. I've tried all the movement modes, even teleport makes me dizzy.
I'm 41 yo as well if that make a difference... My kids seems to handle it better than me.


FrontwaysLarryVR t1_j72txd9 wrote

Hmm... Maybe try going into the settings and turn up the refresh rate on the device?

Our eyes can see almost infinite frames per second, so sometimes motion sickness can come about by seeing something that our brain considers choppy and slow.

The Quest 2 I think is set to 72hz by default, but can go as high as 120hz, with most games hitting the 90fps at most. Might be worth seeing if that helps!

Otherwise, some people are just prone to motion sickness a bit more than others sadly, and often times it just means limiting yourself to the games that do work for you.

If you do some googling for "SideQuest", there's a site that lets indie developers post their in-development games, usually for free. Follow their instructions for how to put their sidequest app onto your device, and then you can download a ton of cool things.

I mainly mention this because I just recently tried duck hunt in VR and had a blast. It's stationary other than just turning your head and body, and was actually super fun.