Submitted by AshOnReddit1 t3_10tmm62 in consoles

So currently I have an Xbox One S and it's pretty good but some of the newer games are starting to become Xbox Series exclusive. If I were to get a Series S would I still have all my game save data from the One S? For example: Achievements, Game progress etc. I was going to buy the elite series 2 controller for the Xbox One S but now I am stuck with this question as to whether I should upgrade or get a new and better controller.



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DGtalGee t1_j77qii0 wrote

To be honest I don't see the reason to get series s just go for series x as you had the better last gen u may as well keep that going Controller wish I have the elite 2 core controller it's very good I think worth the money if you play a lot of FPS games that is its main focus. Save data should carry over as you will use the same online ID to sign into the xbox series X


Nathan-David-Haslett t1_j7c1ad9 wrote

They have a one S now so the series s is the equivalent, they didn't have the better last gen.


MewPewsy t1_j77oivw wrote

if you've gotten them all online or at least went online after having a preference in being offline, Yes you can keep all progress in achievements and saves. it's worth the upgrade as everything you've installed in the internal ssd will load faster, you can play previous xbox one titles (except the ones that aren't mark X/S, some games have a separate version between the series x/s and the Xbox one version.)


thebigarn t1_j780phl wrote

Xbox is very good with the save data yes it will all carry over. They have made it very easy to switch there’s an option to back up the data and when you log into your new console it can even transfer over. But i’ve had a few xbox’s in my house and it’s very easy to jump from one to the other. If you play mostly story games you’re gonna be shocked how fast games load with the Series systems. I’d definitely get series system over the elite controller ok but I would never choose it over a system upgrade.


originsspeedrunner t1_j78jp7h wrote

You‘ll keep everything. The series S is a good choice, but the Series X is definitely powerful. If you can afford it, you should get one


Separate-Eye5179 t1_j77p88s wrote

Get a series X, the series S will be outdated in <2 years. You can find them cheap if you don’t mind second hand.


AshOnReddit1 OP t1_j77pn2w wrote

I'm tight for money and I'm only 14 so that would be an impossibility


Hurkamur t1_j77uje9 wrote

Everyone who I know with a series s loves them. Just keep in mind you won't be getting the same discounts on games, as they are digital only.


GR00VYGH0ULIE t1_j780uag wrote

Get a paper route for Series X money. Perfect for your age. That's how I got my NES at 15 in 86 lol.


Separate-Eye5179 t1_j77q6an wrote

Then don’t get a controller or a new console and save till you can afford a series X. 300ish dollars and you can have the latest Xbox available, although I prefer my PS5, they remain more expensive.


AshOnReddit1 OP t1_j77r0lh wrote

I live in the UK and here they cost 400ish pounds and I don't get money often. I would be saving for months on end. I don't care about performance just the fact that I can play newer games like goat simulator 3 that is restricted to only Xbox Series S|X


Separate-Eye5179 t1_j77t8xt wrote

Get a job, it’s good for self esteem and it lets you actually do things if you don’t get an allowance. Save for it. Trust me, you’ll regret it if you buy a series S.


InfamousAd9874 t1_j77tjrr wrote

He’s 14


Separate-Eye5179 t1_j77ungi wrote

You can get a job at 14… I had one when I was 12, and I came from a wealthy family.


InfamousAd9874 t1_j7cgiy1 wrote

Mate we are not in the 1920s anymore. Getting a job at all at an age where it’s legal is hard enough. You may have had a job when you were 12 which makes you an exception. Wealthy or not.

He can work by mowing peoples lawn and shit but nothing official


Separate-Eye5179 t1_j7eyend wrote

My nephew and all of his friends have jobs. He works in a cafe, one of his friends works in a chip van, and another in a children’s nursery, all legally employed. No excuses to be unemployed.


Chamasso t1_j78jyle wrote

I have a series S and dont regret it at all lol


Separate-Eye5179 t1_j7aukjb wrote

That’s because it’s just started it’s lifespan, the Xbox one X, a 5 year old console, is more powerful that the series S. it’s just a dumb buy if you give a single fuck about longevity.


Chamasso t1_j7dhvat wrote

You literally dont know anything about hardware , you just look at the teraflop count and think thats all that matters lol. The Series S isnt design for 4k thats why it doesnt run games on 4k it chooses 1440p60 or 1080p120 for cross gen games instead. The one X WAS designed for 4k30, why cant you put that simple fact onto your head lmao.


Separate-Eye5179 t1_j7ey9oe wrote

Are you seriously telling me that a machine with worse performance than a 2017 console is going to give you 1440p60 in AAA titles 3 years from now? Unless it runs EVERYTHING on low settings, it has no chance of reaching those targets. It’s the equivalent of a gtx 1650, a sorely lacking graphics card.


Chamasso t1_j8w899n wrote

>Are you seriously telling me that a machine with worse performance than a 2017 console is going to give you 1440p60 in AAA titles 3 years from now?

When did i say that mfer?? Are you just blind?? This is my last response so your dummy brain better understand it ok? Xbox series S has DYNAMIC RESOLUTION meaning it can lower the resolution all the way to 720p if its necessary. Resolution is not everything dumbass, some people have small tvs and it looks good, my tv is 48 inches and close to me and still looks good. Also the series X doesn't lose to the Scorpio in performance you're just dumb, and its definitely not equivalent to a 1650 lmao (more like a 3050)


Separate-Eye5179 t1_j8w8zl3 wrote

720p doesn’t look good. My steam deck runs at 800p on a 7 inch screen.

Also, the series S has 4 TFLOPS. The 3050 has 9.1. Literally double the performance. Even the 5500xt, a very underpowered card, achieves 5.1 teraflops, a whole 25%+ increase over the series S. Youre basically saying the equivalent of a budget pc from 2019 is future proof.

The Xbox one X also has 6 teraflops, 2 more than the series S.



Chamasso t1_j8wlbhm wrote

>720p doesn’t look good. My steam deck runs at 800p on a 7 inch screen.

Omg how could you be so dumb my man, have you not heard about upscaling at all?? My tv is 4k my series S does not run at 4k. it still looks very good. You're comparing to a console which comes with a built-in display lmaooo (which looks amazing btw) but you completely lost the plot man, of course my tv is not from fucking 2005 so its not stuck in 720p and the Variable Resolution on the series S rarely gets to 720p even in the most demanding games anyway.

>Also, the series S has 4 TFLOPS. The 3050 has 9.1. Literally double the performance. Even the 5500xt, a very underpowered card, achieves 5.1 teraflops, a whole 25%+ increase over the series S. Youre basically saying the equivalent of a budget pc from 2019 is future proof.


And yes admittedly, the 3050 IS more powerful than the series S. But still most comparable to it, cause guess what? The 1650 doesn't have raytracing pal.

And yes the Series S is "future proof" (in the meaning that it will run all AAA games until 2027-8) simply because consoles have longer lifespan and support than Pcs since they're not really upgradable, so developers always optimize their games for it more.

The PS4 and the gtx750ti were very similar in terms of power and performance, do you think all the new games that are still coming to the ps4 can still run as good in the 750ti nowadays?? Really makes you think doesn't it? 🤔 or maybe not cause you don't appear to have a brain.


Separate-Eye5179 t1_j8wxjup wrote

Upscaling 720p to 4k doesn’t yield good results, and that’s even when using dlss 3, the most advanced technology.

Teraflops are literally one of the most straightforward metrics - it’s how many trillion floating point metrics the GPU can handle every second.

The series S is similar to the gtx 1650, which is actually ray tracing capable. Besides, the series S can hardly handle it either.

And yeah, it will run the AAA games, but at 720p30, on the lowest available settings. It’s just a lesser console.

The 750ti actually handles games these days with similar performance to the PS4, which is piss poor.


Anubra_Khan t1_j77vgww wrote

You're spending more for the Series S as soon as you buy the memory expansion. Or as soon as you buy around 3 games digitally that are $10 or less physically.

Also, there are currently only 3 games that your One S can't play. That's Scorn, Flight Simulator and Gotham Knights. Redfall is coming up but then there's Starfield and Elder Scrolls. Neither of those have a release date.

Save up your money and buy an X when one of those games drops. Right now, there really is no curren gen exclusivity with Series X/S.


Chamasso t1_j78jnq4 wrote

Wdym by outdated lol? If you just mean the hardware sure but both the series X and Ps5 will be outdated by then lol, but if you mean it will be unsupported then lol trust me if the switch is still getting support and will still be getting throughout the next two years, then the much more powerful series S will still get support until at least 2028 lol.


Separate-Eye5179 t1_j7aumvw wrote

The Series S is a third of the series X. It’s weak as fuck. It’ll be outdated within 3 years, down to 1080p in modern AAA titles


Chamasso t1_j7dg307 wrote

I love how you changed to 3 years from less then two lmao. And why do you think other consumers care about resolution dude? thats just you lol. Stop imposing your taste on others, also you make it sound like 1080p looks like trash when it doesn't. The Series S will still get the upcoming AAA titles and thats whats important lol, it might be at 1080 or even 900p but thats still the most common resolution for todays standards. they made it pretty clear that the Series S isnt a 4k console, it doesnt mean its not next gen, you must be really dumb to let that go over your head lol.