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HygorMS t1_j7dl6p9 wrote

Not a bad price man. There are a lot of new games coming for XBox, really big games that have the possibility of changing XBox's fame of not so good exclusives. I still think PS5 would be a better choice but at that price... I don't think you could've found a PS5 for 350.

Ray Tracing is the biggest bullshit ever told to gamers. It's really nothing special, doesn't change a thing if you actually consider what it does and consumes a TONE of performance. Please, do not trade 60 FPS for some better stupid reflections that you'll only notice if you actually stop playing the game just to look at it.


I don't think you should regret, it's a great console and I highly recommend you try Forza Horizon 4 and 5. They feel DELICIOUS on that console.