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amuzulo t1_j7f4pix wrote

First I played: Atari 2600

First I bought: Wii


Imaginary_Fennel6772 OP t1_j7f4zsi wrote

I like this. Shows a good age gap between consoles lol.

My first played: Spectrum First gifted: Sega mega drive (genesis) [sonic ftw] First bought: Xbox 360


amuzulo t1_j7gqdfc wrote

Yeah, played on the 2nd gen and didn't buy one til 7th gen. lol


ed8breakfast t1_j7fm0fk wrote

First I played: GameCube

First I was gifted: New Nintendo 2DS XL

First I bought: Xbox Series X


amuzulo t1_j7gqk5f wrote

First I was gifted: Game Boy DMG

If handhelds don't count, first I was gifted: Super Nintendo

In the meantime my dad bought an Atari 7800, but that was more for the whole family rather than for me.


daddyruck t1_j7fv71r wrote

First I played: NES(dads that eventually became mine)

First I bought: SNES