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[deleted] t1_j7f62mm wrote

This isn't a console.

Mine was an SMS.


Dedward5 t1_j7f6x52 wrote

Indeed that’s a “home computer”. My first home computer was a Sinclair ZX81. I diddnt get a console until 15 years or so later which was a PS1. I had various HC’s in between.


Imaginary_Fennel6772 OP t1_j7f79w5 wrote

Didn't realize people used these as actual home computers lol all of my friends and families I knew had them hooked up to TVs and used them for games. It was more of a convenience to be able to print things and do other things lol


[deleted] t1_j7fzfnt wrote

My best friend,a little older than me, RIP, talked my mum and dad into getting me a 48k, saying it would help with school. I'll never forget that.


lifeisasimulation- t1_j7giyc6 wrote

The difference normally comes down to how you load games and what features are available to those games

Like a commodore 64 was used heavily as a gaming machine but it was still considered a computer not a video game console


Imaginary_Fennel6772 OP t1_j7f6u0z wrote

I mean technically an Xbox one is a computer that can play games and a Spectrum is a computer that can play games. That little bad boy does everything a modern console does, just a bit simpler is all. Not far off from modern consoles. My family bought one of these to use just as a gaming system before we got a Sega.