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Pacomatic t1_j8atqd3 wrote

You should bring this to the SpongeBob subreddit. And then delete this post, because you might get banned for being too off-topic.


brokenan6el t1_j8ax67k wrote

Maybe thicker skin on the internet instead of crying before you swing the ban hammer. I’m gonna get banned for this comment in 3….2……1


Pacomatic t1_j8b3gdp wrote

I just wanna warn them. So they don't get banned.


brokenan6el t1_j8bc467 wrote

It honestly doesn’t take much to offend someone and get a ban these days. Your doing a good service.


CheesecakeOk7590 t1_j8b6vq6 wrote

you say that as if the person you are replying to is a mod


brokenan6el t1_j8b8yi1 wrote

Not at all I was just pushing my luck and it’s clearly a post meant for trolling. I’m just rolling with the punches my dude.
