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ISpitSaliva t1_j8hyziw wrote

Less desirable. Most exclusives aren't exclusives anymore and x game pass offers better value for console only people


Aggressive-Local8 t1_j8ivfok wrote

Why is ps5 still embarrassing the xbox when it comes to sales then?


bigmac22077 t1_j8jeyb7 wrote

Because the ps5 market is strong throughout the world where the Xbox market is pretty much usa and UK. If this person is in either one of those countries they might know more people with an Xbox.


MostlyMyNuts t1_j8m8vl2 wrote

They’re only ahead by a million and were outsold by Microsoft each of the last 12 months.


Aggressive-Local8 t1_j8x5xfg wrote

Not true at all. Ps5 are 7 million ahead (


MostlyMyNuts t1_j8z00e5 wrote

I see that you didn’t understand what I wrote. While Sony sold more up front, in each of the last 12 months, Xbox has outsold PlayStation. While Sony has sold more in total, they are not actively outselling Xbox. They just sold more off the jump.


Greedy-Field-9851 t1_j904ydy wrote

And that too is maybe because of the scalpers buying most of the stocks


MostlyMyNuts t1_j90n5j8 wrote

Xboxes have not suffered from shortages to the levels of PS5 suggesting that yes, PS5 sales numbers are massively inflated by scalpers. Which anyone who has tried to buy one would know.