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Anubra_Khan t1_j9hczey wrote

I've run with both since the xbox 360/PS3 days. It was always cheaper than getting a high-end gaming PC.

This gen is a little different. I decided to drop the xbox (still have OG, 360, and Xbone) and get a PC. Now I play PC/PS5.

I definitely recommend saving up for the PS5 and running 2 consoles. Sony is currently the most innovative in the industry, and the quality of their exclusives are GOTY candidates (and often winners) every single year.

The PS Plus subscription will overload you with all of the exclusives you've missed over the years with more games at half the price of GamePass.


FishingOk4088 OP t1_j9hecuo wrote

those playstation exclusives are whats selling me, the xbox exclusives obviously arent bad, but the playstation seems like it has more to offer game wise, also any idea if i can put PS1 and PS2 games into the PS5?


Anubra_Khan t1_j9hgual wrote

No, you can not play ps1, ps2, or ps3 discs on ps5. But you can play ps4 discs which can be found for very cheap.

However, your ps2 should play both ps1 and ps2 games. Late model ps3's are somewhat easy to come by and are relatively affordable. They also play ps1 games.

Early model PS3's (look up the specific model numbers) would play ps1, ps2, and ps3 games. They're more expensive, have less memory, and are more likely to be faulty. The benefit is being able to play all PS games on 2 consoles instead of 3.


BallsOfSteel86 t1_j9hnep8 wrote

Can put all ps1 games in ps3 ! Certain version of ps3 can play ps2 games too


Ty-douken t1_j9j9rxr wrote

One more is that they're are a selection of ps1/2 games you can buy digital on PS5, but discs won't work from anything older than PS4 & there's a small list of PS4 games that don't work on PS5.


RBTropical t1_j9j4igq wrote

Sony isn’t remotely the most innovative in the industry - sorry. That’s either indie PC devs or Nintendo.

With all Xbox exclusives being on PC and most Sony ones making their way there, 0 reason to buy a PS5 (even more so soon as we’re approaching the point where a PC can be had for the same price if you’re smart).

PC is the way to go atm.


Anubra_Khan t1_j9j55es wrote

Most PS exclusives aren't on PC. Indie PC devs? What are they doing to change the industry other than regressing it with outdated graphics that have gone hipster?

Nintendo is revolutionizing the industry...with hardware that's 2 generations behind.

I'm sorry you have to choose instead of being able to enjoy both. Don't be mad about it. I recommend you save up a little each month so you can one day enjoy all of the games available. Or wait 2 to 4 years for a chance that PS exclusives might come to PC when their sequels are released on PS5.


RBTropical t1_j9jvxzn wrote

Because graphics just getting steadily slightly better isn’t innovation, gameplay mechanics are?

There’s nothing revolutionary about Sony hardware, so not really sure why you’re making this a hill to die on. It’s a generation old PC hardware, how is this innovative? Meanwhile Nintendo made their mainstream console a handheld….

“I’m sorry you have to choose” - buddy, I’m sorry you had to resort to a personal attack because you can’t argue the point at hand. I have a gaming PC which cost 10x the amount your PS5 did, plus a PS4 and a switch. Oh, and the graphics are FAR superior to your PS4/5 versions.

I recommend you save up a little each month so you can afford therapy for a clear inferiority complex.

As for PS exclusives - Spider Man, Horizon, God of War and soon to be the Last of Us are all on Steam. As I said - most big exclusives have come to the PC.

Grow the fuck up and learn to argue and exist in reality rather than making petty childish comments about finances you know nothing about. It’s clear by your salty and sad comments you only make statements to defend your own purchasing decisions, and your comments and opinions aren’t grounded in reality but what makes you feel better. Sad.

PixelPerfect - No, Sony has only just started releasing games on Steam. Miles Morales was very quick, and the version of TLOU is the remastered one released at the same time as PS5…


Asleep-Ad-9381 t1_j9j8n8f wrote

Do you know you can get gamepass on pc? So you dont really need the new xbox if you have a pc and also most ps exclusives are on or coming to pc. So the cheapest option is having a pc, plus can make a decent system for like 700/800 pound that will run all newer games decent enough. Plus pc games are just way cheaper, I've never played full price for any game on pc even on day one you can find the game like 30/40% cheaper on various websites


Anubra_Khan t1_j9j98ky wrote

Yes. I have gamepass on my PC and it's cheaper than Game Pass for Xbox. I also have PS Plus Premium which is 300 more games for even less.

For games not on subscription, nothing is cheaper than used, physical copies (and even new physical titles that are older). They are cheaper than digital sales and you don't have to wait for sales. You can also sell, trade and borrow them. I buy and sell video games as a side hobby and it pays for both of my subscriptions and all my other games.

Game Pass is a fine service. The library of 450+ games is a lot of mid, though. It doesn't have nearly the GOTY lineup or the 750+ games that PS Plus Premium has for half the price.