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RBTropical t1_j9jvxzn wrote

Reply to comment by Anubra_Khan in Owning two consoles by FishingOk4088

Because graphics just getting steadily slightly better isn’t innovation, gameplay mechanics are?

There’s nothing revolutionary about Sony hardware, so not really sure why you’re making this a hill to die on. It’s a generation old PC hardware, how is this innovative? Meanwhile Nintendo made their mainstream console a handheld….

“I’m sorry you have to choose” - buddy, I’m sorry you had to resort to a personal attack because you can’t argue the point at hand. I have a gaming PC which cost 10x the amount your PS5 did, plus a PS4 and a switch. Oh, and the graphics are FAR superior to your PS4/5 versions.

I recommend you save up a little each month so you can afford therapy for a clear inferiority complex.

As for PS exclusives - Spider Man, Horizon, God of War and soon to be the Last of Us are all on Steam. As I said - most big exclusives have come to the PC.

Grow the fuck up and learn to argue and exist in reality rather than making petty childish comments about finances you know nothing about. It’s clear by your salty and sad comments you only make statements to defend your own purchasing decisions, and your comments and opinions aren’t grounded in reality but what makes you feel better. Sad.

PixelPerfect - No, Sony has only just started releasing games on Steam. Miles Morales was very quick, and the version of TLOU is the remastered one released at the same time as PS5…