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FsXTimmi t1_j9ytulx wrote

I was and still am an Xbox Fanboy. I believe the Xbox's dashboard is a lot more clean and fluid than the play station's. Plus Xbox has Halo, GoW etc, which initially got me into Xbox. I also think the Xbox Series S/X is a lot more Aesthetically pleasing, clean look. Ad I personally prefer the sleek feel of the newer Xbox controllers, but this could be because I'm used to it...

However, since my flat mate moved in and brought his Playstation, I'm beginning to get a whole new appreciation for playstation! The exclusives for the PlayStation, in particular, The Last of Us, Until Dawn, Detroit: Becoming Human, Horizon Zero Dawn, God of war are incredible. The PS5 Duel shock controller, I haven't yet experienced, but looks and seems incredible! And having played Resident Evil Biohazard on VR on the PS4 really sparked my appreciation for the PlayStation.