Submitted by Acc0untNumber3 t3_11d53av in consoles

I know this is a very subjective question, so let me just give you guys alittle bit of my personal gaming history.

I’ve always been a PlayStation person. I still to this day own my original grey first PlayStation, a PS2, and two PS3’s, and a PS4. However, the PS4 I bought for my daughter a few years back for Christmas and it’s been absolute junk literally since the first day. Constantly having errors, constantly losing wifi connection, constantly resetting everything when she turns it off and then turns it back on later. It’s been a nightmare. My PS3’s still run circles around that PS4. And also, all the years I’ve been a PlayStation guy, everyone was always telling me “you need to get an xbox” “you need to get an xbox” “you need to get an xbox” especially when online gaming starting getting popular, all my friends and everybody that I knew that gamed always told me I needed to get an xbox. So finally in 2018 I caved and bought an xbox one s. Then sure as shit, all the people that had been telling me over and over that I needed to get an xbox, all those exact same people then said “oh no you should have gotten a PS4” make up your minds people!!! When all I had was PlayStation y’all told me repeatedly to get an xbox, then when I get an Xbox y’all tell me I should have gotten a PlayStation 😂 😂 😂

I have absolutely loved my xbox one s tho. No problems at all. Handles online gaming with gta and RDR and Minecraft, COD etc just fine. But I will be looking to purchase a next gen console soon. So just curious if there has been anything one way or another that has stood out to make one better than the other when it comes to the PS5 or the Xbox Series X.



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mtanderson t1_ja6sgbx wrote

Don’t listen to gaming subs if you want an unbiased opinion tbh. The console wars are still active especially on Reddit. But I recommend ps5 for the games more than anything, series X is good too, just stay away from Series S

Edit: look into steam deck too. Never had one myself and can’t speak to it, but it seems like a more powerful switch but with PC/Steam games instead of Nintendo


Acc0untNumber3 OP t1_ja81qsa wrote

That steam deck actually sounds pretty legit. I’ve never heard of that. I don’t own a gaming pc so I haven’t really dove into the whole steam community but I do know it’s all the rage these days. I’ll have to look into that. Thanks. Does the steam deck require a pc to run or is it it’s own console???


mtanderson t1_ja89482 wrote

It’s completely standalone. Steam would be primary source of games but I think it’s able to run stuff like game pass too


RealDarkGrady t1_ja89nvm wrote

You can with some effort and it's also great at emulation so almost anything up to ps3 and switch games run on it


mtanderson t1_ja8a7xa wrote

Ah nice that’s really cool. Steam deck is a dark horse in the console game and I’m really interested to see how it evoles. Don’t even really know if it’s a console or pc, it’s like a hybrid


RealDarkGrady t1_ja8kzth wrote

It definitely is got one for Christmas and couldn't recommend it enough I already had a big steam library but since steam games are so cheap, game pass and emulation you literally get spoiled for choice in terms of what to play, it's just niche to everyone outside pc gamers


Acc0untNumber3 OP t1_ja8znbz wrote

So next question. Is it worth it to spend more to get the one with more storage???


mtanderson t1_ja9bc1e wrote

I’d recommend it if money allows. IIRC the cheapest one uses flash storage but the upgraded uses an ssd


ElSelcho t1_ja6z51t wrote

It really does depend on your preferences. I have a Series X and love Gamepass. Also Backwards Compatibility was a huge factor for me. But I also love good Single Player Games and many of them are on playstation. I guess you're PS4 has hickups, shouldn't be like that. PS5 is a very good machine.


DatBoiWhoRickrol t1_ja9anji wrote

On the backwards compatibility, not all games can be played on the X through backwards compatitibility. I think theres about 630 X360 backwards compatible games and about 60 OG Xbox backwards compatible games on the X.


ElSelcho t1_ja9gn9m wrote

That's a very good point, thanks for adding.


mad_sAmBa t1_ja7vsg1 wrote

There's no answer to that, really. It all comes down to personal tastes and you have to find what console has more features that you particularly care about. I'll give you my personal opinion and why i would choose one over the other, if it helps.

In my case, if i had to pick one console i would get an Xbox. It has actual backwards compatibility to all xbox systems, you can easily put emulators on an Xbox to play pretty much every console until the ps2/gamecube era, gamepass offers great value and i don't care about Sony exclusive games, so if i didn't already had a pc, i would get an xbox. And i do have gamepass on my pc, and i'm having a blast with all the games available there.

I wouldn't get a ps5 because i don't care about the exclusive games on a PS5 and that is the biggest reason to get a PS5. The console doesn't provide good live services as the xbox, the "backwards compatibility" for consoles older than the PS4 are emulated and said emulation is hidden behind a paywall and the overall quality of the emulation is terribe ( see Legend of Dragoon , for example) and since i'm the kind of guy who enjoys older games and sees value in backwards compatibily, and doesn't care/like the exclusive games sony has to offer, i see no reason to get a ps5 because i can't see value on anything it offers.

So you should consider the pros and cons of both consoles to reach a final decision.


KernSherm t1_ja83ujk wrote

I have both and I prefer the Series X by a good bit.

(Personal opinions)

I prefer the controller layout.

I prefer the exclusives, flight sim, forza, age of empires, football manager etc.

(Cold hard facts)

The ease and accessibility of everything is so much better, menu layouts are more intuitive, store is much easier to define by genre.

Everything on xbox is more seemless, like moving games, upgrading games, installing memory, fixing controllers with completely dead batteries, transfering saves from console to consoles, switching from wired connection to wireless (if i take wire out my xbox connects instantly to wifi, ps5 just doesn't at all) my xbox can control , turn on and change volume on my TV, I haven't worked out the ps5 yet to do this etc.

And the main thing that sets xbox apart is the quick resume feature. Being able to have 6/7 games ready to load up within 5 seconds exactly where you left off (don't have to watch any load screens, menus etc, just straight to where you left off) I miss this so so much when i play PS5, having to boot up every single game from its intro every single time


nathanwyer t1_ja8qdfu wrote

All that matters is what games you want to play. Personally, I choose PlayStation 5 because it has loads of great single player games that I like.


No_need_for_that99 t1_ja8vxo4 wrote

Quick insert...
It depends on what you Want.

Ps5 is a bit stronger in terms performance, but xbox often has less visual hickups
Xbox also gets you gamepass...

Also, one last thing... they are now CURRENT GEN. lol


tvpsbooze t1_ja8wfq5 wrote

I had XBOX 360, then purchased PS3, PS4 Pro, then XBOX Series X and just traded in series X for PS5.

Content is king and tired of waiting for Microsoft to launch anything decent. Or even multiplatform non-exclusives such as Atomic Heart that come on Gamepass are tanking.


Captain_Howard t1_jabigyh wrote

At the end of the day, it all will have to come to your references. I own both consoles and they are both very much worth every penny. Which platforms are your friend playing, or most of them are playing on? It can be a deciding factor for you.

As for how they're worth, the xbox series x/s are better in terms of value, they give you free cloud save, gamepass is a cheap way of getting you hands on a big library of games including some big AAA titles for only 16$/month. Despite some others may say about the series S tho, it is actually a blast when I had it (I switched to the X since I have lots of game discs). A lot of games can be played 60fps without worries and most of the new games are being released with the S optimized fpr 60fps, while the older games are being/already remastered/optimized for 60fps as well. With the price of 300$us with only 1080p and no 4k, it is hard to ignore if you have no problem with being fully digital. The X at 600$us, can do all the S can and then add in 4k 60fps, if you own a 4k tv/monitor, it would be super awsome to buy the X.

Ps5 both digital and physical can handle 4k, 60fps just fine with a difference of 100$us between the two. But they don't offer free cloud save, the feature is locked behind their subscription service, in which if you pay, you can also access a more variety of stuffs like their equivelent version of gamepass, game demos (for a higher price level of course). Haptic feedback on their controller is also a very nice feature, it provides some addition realistic feeling into your game, but most of the time I am to focus on the game than the feeling of the trigger on my hand.


tbontbtitq321 t1_ja72jno wrote

XSX is better value with Game Pass Ultimate (GPU) as there are so many gems you get to try without expecting it, plus you can play co-op on 2 machines (Xbox and PC for example) with 1 susbcription.

PS5 is better for single player games (not saying xbox doesnt have any mind you) and third party optimised games due likely because of easier to use dev kits and only having 1 software development kit for a single hardware. Plus they also have PSVR2 now!

This coming from someone who owns all 3 consoles and a beefy PC.

But really, you can't go wrong with any. The best console is the one with the games that you like.


Drakullin t1_ja74cnc wrote

As you already have played the PS4 and Xbox One S consoles, you can expect the same vibes with the PS5 and Series X, but with more improvements. I would look into content for deciding which one you will be more appealed.

Xbox: Gamepass is the Troy horse, with hundreds of games and some on Day 1. Moreover, the new studio acquisitions will improve the content on the RPG and FPS fields.

PS5: Strong 3p narrative games, japanese presence with exclusives as FF XVI as well as innovating with PSVR2.

It depends on your preferences. I decided to stick with Series X and Switch, and I don't regret not buying the PS5 at the moment. But different people, different preferences.


RobotsArReal t1_ja7fqr1 wrote

It’s a personal choice with about 5 differences. It’s not that hard to choose. If you get one and don’t like it, sell it and get the other one. Or even better, get a PC


Acc0untNumber3 OP t1_ja82a8i wrote

I would love to. Unfortunately can’t afford a legit gaming pc right now.


GamerTMTDK t1_ja7hdpi wrote

I'm in a "boad" where I own the series s the ps5 and a mid-range gaming PC, I can't afford all tree of them and I in any case don't have time for all tree any more. Futher more I also suffer from fomo, which don't make which part to get rid of any easier.


theus-sama t1_ja7j1ps wrote

Ps5 is objectively better. I am kinda of tired of answering this question in details. But ps5 is way better, thats it. By the way I have both, so I can confidently say that ps5 is indeed a lot better