Submitted by Zazzazz t3_11dgkqq in consoles

Hey guys,

My little cousin has a birthday and I will be sending him my series S console as a gift, partly because I really enjoyed Wild Hearts and realised I need better performing console for it, while also having money to buy it. Originally I got xbox due to the fact that PS5 was not available aside from scalpers.

The games I play mostly are - MH/WH/Path of Exile/Destiny

I'd get a series X, since I already have about 450-500$ invested in the xbox account, but since I have both consoles available for the same price, something tells me to consider PS5 switch before its too late.

The reasons why I am considering PS5 are -

- Better controller (haptics/mic) and Edge having replaceable sticks (yes, I am the one having huge issues with my elite 2 controller to the point its unusable now)
- Larger playerbase, or so I was told (I am from EU)
- GoW, Forsaken and HZD look exciting and down my alley

Getting 2 consoles isn't an option since I am moving countries on the regular (once every 1-2 years) and while 1 console can fit into my luggage, 2 is totally not going to happen.




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Nathan-David-Haslett t1_ja9n642 wrote

So in regards to the playerbase, check the specific games but a lot (maybe most?) Multiplayer games are cross plat now so the playerbase would be the same.

I know Forsaken is a timed exclusive (though I think it's a long time, maybe 2 years?) And GoW is I think on PC? PlayStation is great for exclusives, but with how much you have invested in Xbox it's hard for me to think the games would justify the switch.

Also, the PS5 is I believe larger than the XSX, so maybe relevant for putting it in your carry on?


bigmac22077 t1_jaa1gll wrote

Better controller? That is entirely your preference and not a fact. I cannot play on a ps5 for more than 45 min before my thumbs cramp and hurt. I could play Xbox all day. And a side note, I have no experience here with the mic, but the xbox Kinect having a mic was the absolute worse. You’d get on a match and here 5 different peoples whole house. The controller is probably better, but I only see a disaster. Xbox controllers you can plug a $5 headphone in and use.

I’ve been playing Xbox for 20 something years now and never struggle to find games. I can still even find battlefield 1 games easily. Player base is perfectly fine. Especially on the games you mentioned.

If you feel like you need to play those games then ps5 is the choice for you.

Can PlayStations just randomly change regions? I’m honestly not sure about that.


zomenis t1_jad919q wrote

You can't change regions on a PS5 without creating a new account altogether, it's ridiculous


upDV t1_jabslxq wrote

Both are great so maybe go with the platform where most of your friends play?

I’ve typically been an Xbox player but ended up with a PS as well so I can link up with friends on Fifa. If cross play is across all those games you mentioned, then maybe see which exclusives you prefer.


bulbbazar t1_jaccp0p wrote

Xbox! Personally i like both, but would choose xbox.


yaboyyake t1_ja8r7iz wrote

So you're sending your cousin your old used console as a birthday present so you can buy yourself a new one? Wow lol


Zazzazz OP t1_ja91cs6 wrote

He isn’t close, lives in another country. I know their parents aren’t rich, so I thought I’ll just pass it over and upgrade myself.. don’t see anything wrong here.


yaboyyake t1_ja9ogcz wrote

Yeah if you were just sending it along out of the goodness of your heart because they want one that would be awfully kind and generous! But you're getting yourself a newer better console and calling it a gift giving the old one away lol 🤷🏻‍♂️ I'll take my downvotes but it's a bit tacky when it's really all about you haha.


Wosemis_stemboy t1_jabjy1h wrote

Bro he could’ve sold it and not given it to his cousin at all you ungrateful bastard


xXGrizlXx_ t1_jabqp19 wrote

You are the most illogical person I think I've ever seen, this dude sends his cousin his old xbox as a gift and you act like it's a selfish act, he could've just sold his old console and not given it to anyone, no?


bigmac22077 t1_jaa1mpo wrote

Found the spoiled ungrateful little brat! I think that’s bingo for today?


yaboyyake t1_jaauxmb wrote

I worked my ass off with my brother selling boy scouts popcorn to buy and share a PS2 for my first console lol. But okay let's make ignorant bold assumptions on the internet for bad jokes 👍🏼


CounterSYNK t1_jaagzj9 wrote

I have a feeling a kid doesn’t care where his Xbox comes from.


yaboyyake t1_jaajhj3 wrote

Yes a kid doesn't, that's probably why it's okay. If you as a grown ass adult received an open used gift for your birthday you'd be like wtf....?


CounterSYNK t1_jab417g wrote

I see you’ve never been a younger sibling.


yaboyyake t1_jab7gqc wrote

I had hand me down everything from my older brother so let's keep the stupid assumptions to ourselves eh? I said as an adult.


CounterSYNK t1_jab8cee wrote

Then your disposition to giving a kid a second hand Xbox makes even less sense


keegs_29 t1_jabosl0 wrote

Bro..A gift is a gift tho, used or new, more performance or less performance, it's still considered a gift, & it's still a current-gen console as well. It's the thought that truly counts man, I'm sure a kid who has no xbox at all, will still appreciate & enjoy his xbox gift from him. He didn't have to do that at all, he could of sold it, use that money towards his upgrade & be done with it but he thought of the kind giving idea, & wanted to give it to his cousin who doesn't have one or doesnt have the funds to get one. While at the sametime, getting a upgrade for him, which is okay, his money, his choice. It's a win-win scenario. What's the difference if he at the beginning already had the Xbox Series X/PS5 already, & he wanted to give the series s away as a gift since it's no longer needed? Would you rather him not give him an xbox at all if it isn't the newest/best console in the market rn? not everyone gets a generous gift on birthdays, Best to be happy getting a gift at all ya know, especially an a kid.