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RBTropical t1_jalzogi wrote

Reply to comment by TheBloatingofIsaac in 🤷 by QuatronXD

Yes, it does. The Series X is the highest end platform and it has a 3700x with a 6800 equivalent. The card you named is a midrange one two generations old, and the CPU is too generations old too. So yes, it has lower specs.


TheBloatingofIsaac t1_jam8att wrote

Look at steam hardware survey and tell me if consoles are weaker than pc as a whole. Literally more than half of the pc community has worse gpu’s than the gpu you listed. You are a joke


RBTropical t1_jam9qnt wrote

And now look at marketshare of the consoles. How many people actually have a Series X?

Most of the GPUs you reference would’ve likely been bought when the PS4 was the main console, making them significantly more powerful than the main console available at the time.

This is the point you miss - we’re just two years in and are already about to hit price parity. In 2 more years the mainstream mid tier GPU will be significantly more powerful and a build will cost less.

The steam survey is also heavily influenced by price scalping caused during COVID/the mining boom. Consoles were hit by the same thing, but people are only given one option.