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RBTropical t1_jam1ws5 wrote

Reply to comment by brandonsp111 in 🤷 by QuatronXD

“Any game from any year designed for those platforms” yeah, slight problem there. A PC from 2017 can play current games. Can a One X? Nope. A PC from 2023 can play a game from 2013. Can a PS5? Nope. There goes that point. 🙈

Dude, you really aren’t getting this. A console IS a PC. You can spend the same amount now on a PC as a console and get THE SAME LONGEVITY. A console doesn’t miraculously have tonnes more power because it’s a console - the reason the OG Xbox One was able to play new games in 2020 is because the settings were far lower than the games it ran in 2013. You can do this on a PC too… in fact, you have more control over HOW you do this. A PC from 2021 with the same specs as an Xbox One can play Halo Infinite at the same quality. There goes that point.

“Sweaty fat kit” - and here come the personal attacks and petty comments. Clear sign your argument is falling apart if you can’t actually stick to the point.

“9/10 times PCs only have better graphical options” - you’ve never used a PC, have you? You can still set games to 640x480 buddy. There goes that argument. The point isn’t that consoles are weaker than PCs - it’s that the value gets worse. Both Microsoft and Sony have increased the price of their systems but PC hardware has gone down. Eventually you get to the point where better hardware on PC is actually cheaper. Why even buy a console at this point?

“Free Walmart service and cheaters” - wow. You know there’s cheaters on console too right? And you know we use the same servers you do as most are provided by the game devs? 🤦🏻‍♂️

“Backwards compatibility is another debate entirely” - no it isn’t, you just don’t want to prove how badly you’d lose that argument.

PC wasn’t the worst platform hahaha - now you’re just resorting to making up shit? It’s pretty well known that the Xbox One and PS4 were by far the worst platforms the game launched on. But please, underline every embarrassing point which destabilises your argument with a lie - makes them easy to spot. I guess you lied here because the fact the PS4 Pro and One X struggled so much would collapse your whole argument about “$400 once a decade” when they couldn’t manage a game 3 years after launch. What about the fact that a version of the game which actually used the extra PS5/Series X power you paid for took a year to come out?

“It’s always muh PC has better graphics” - dude my entire argument has been about consoles just being PCs and PCs being a better value at the same price with cheaper games and free online. I get you want to argue graphics as it’s an easy point to dismiss, but I’ve literally never mentioned that? It’s crazy how many weak strategies you’re trying here.

When was I telling you to quit having fun? You were the dude calling people enjoying PCs losers and sweaty fat kids 😂

“Shaming people for having consoles? Really?” Followed by “you sweaty fat boys in your mum’s basement”. I didn’t even know people could lack this much self awareness. You criticise me “shaming consoles” (which I never did, just pointed out they ARE PCs these days and PCs can save you money) and you proceed to shame and attack what you perceive to be PC gamers. Amazing, honestly. Especially when you follow up with “we contribute to society and you need hygiene products”

Truly amazing you spent an entire paragraph shitting and shaming on people and criticised what you perceived to be someone doing it themselves.

The fact you made this into an emotion-fuelled rant about society and hygiene suggests I touched a nerve? Maybe you should investigate that in therapy, possibly subconsciously you wish you could afford a PC and my comments are making you realise you could’ve, but didn’t do your research? And instead of accepting that, you go out and personally attack a group of gamers. I hope you get help.