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geogrant1000 t1_jamlbci wrote

Atari Pong, bought it at Sears around 1976...It was a blast!


Hiver_79 t1_jamn49v wrote

Atari 2600, My parents got it for me from Kay Bee Toys in either 82 or 83.


iamoniwaban t1_jamnm7s wrote

First from parents wad an atari 2600. First one I bought myself was an original ps. I felt amazing. First game I played was tomb raider. Damn tigers.


Cosmosis-Bones t1_jamr833 wrote

Twas the original Xbox, but I had no games for it until I got way older. First games I played at home was spyro on the Wii.


Morgoths_Ring t1_jamt6ss wrote

Famiclone with a 5.000.000 in 1 cartridge. I was amazed and instantly began to play Super Mario Bros. I was 6 and life was so good. And that marked the beginning of my gaming history.


slimshady713 t1_jamtna1 wrote

PS2, or Maybe Wii. I can’t which came first but i remember I didn’t get the PS2 until after the PS3 came out


Saraleb1 t1_jamy1d1 wrote

Does Commodore 64 count ??

If not, it would have been the NES and would have been Mario... waaaaay too long ago to remember the reaction lol


fextrust t1_jamzerc wrote

The original Xbox, was living with my grandparents at the time. Saw it at a Second hand shop for 100 bucks, my grandpa bought it for me along with cod 2 big red one,dinotopia the Sunstone odyssey and medal of honor rising sun. Me and my sister used to fight over who would get to use it even though she had a ps2 at the time. Alot of good memories with that thing.


charlie-_-13 t1_jamzupa wrote

Xbox360, got it for Christmas and honestly I still have (and play on it) today. That was a great day


Flower_Says t1_janmbgq wrote

Does a Nintendo D's count? If yes, I was pretty small, can't remember but I'm pretty sure I was ecstatic. If no, then the Ps4 was my first console, and I blew up with excitement!


Maverick_Goat t1_janr52q wrote

Sega Master System. The big one with the light gun. I had Sonic, that's all I remember. And played the duck hunt game which was preinstalled. I loved it. ❤️


DatBoiWhoRickrol t1_janvu1e wrote

My first console was a Wii and 360 at the exact same time. I bought Wii for the family and 360 for Black Ops. The reason I got the 7th gen of consoles because I was mainly a PC gamer


theoweeo t1_jaoa3nm wrote

N64. I remember the first time I got it and I was litterly running around the house. Ah, the good old days


samisnotapharmacist t1_jap46pi wrote

the question was not complicated brother, everyone said what THEIR first console was and who got it for them. u answered correctly in ur second paragraph (excluding the intro). first paragraph is about someone else’s console and the others are just other consoles u bought over time (so not ur first console, logically..) so yea. simple question.


vibeyaxe t1_japo2gk wrote

my first console was a ps4 and i got it because all my friends had a console and i didnt and i was super happy that i finally got a console i play on it almost everyday now


Odd_Refrigerator_538 t1_japp5hg wrote

My dad somehow built a Sinclair Z80 clone out of - I guess - smuggled or knock off soviet components. It had no case, just a board with wires. Loaded games off tape cassettes via a tape player and a stereo jack. A good game took 6-8 minutes of fax machine sounds to load. And now I work in the game industry as a result.


HankScorpio-vs-World t1_jaqami9 wrote

Binatone black and white 8 games in one all really just versions of pong with a paddle in sexy seventies orange.


Sarge19846 t1_jatelxe wrote

Amstrad cp64!!games were on a cassette and took six minutes to load and half the time they crashed near the end,still good memories though


Additional_Ad8457 t1_jb3aw78 wrote

Nintendo DS, 2006 (although i only started really using it in 2012, funny that.) Still remember the plot of Pokemon Black And White.


Haloaddict117 t1_jbff77h wrote

Got a 360S on Christmas in 2016. My dad bought it because he thought kinect would be good for the family. Sadly it red ringed because I never understood the concept of ventilation, but I had a lot of fun playing forza motorsport 3 and horizon 2. Recently upgraded to a one s on my birthday. I miss my 360.