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Kear_Bear_3747 t1_jbbfgmv wrote

That’s a very Googleable question


Green_Damage_8453 t1_jbcgdb0 wrote

I'll never understand the urge to post this here when the exact same phrase would have given him an answer immediately.


CCGamesSteve t1_jbcuxiu wrote

It's because Google provides numerous possible answers and that can be problematic. In some cases it can feel like information overload, in others the choice of site to look at can be confusing and overwhelming. Then there's the fact that people often feel they can't trust what they read on a website so they will ask in a place where they feel more comfortable and/or have more trust in the truth of the answers they receive.

I can't tell you why specifically for OP but these are kinds of reasons it happens.


Green_Damage_8453 t1_jbeksqw wrote

Thats great if you have a complicated question... this is a simple yes or no... it's what google does well.


todayminusyesterday t1_jbkf8zn wrote

or you google “fifa 23 cross play reddit”, open 3/4 links, cross reference to find the majority answer. how people don’t know how to research quickly and effectively in 2023 beats me. this isn’t 2004.


Mccobsta t1_jbdgmo9 wrote

Google has been ruined by seo over the years its now a pain to use


Kear_Bear_3747 t1_jbdgxlm wrote

How so?


Mccobsta t1_jbdk37u wrote

A lot of shite websites just fill pages with search terms to get to the top of Google search results to make more ad revenue, so looking up certain subjects and getting what you actually want is now a pain


Kear_Bear_3747 t1_jbdlm1i wrote

Google hires people to look at suspected websites, and flag them for removal. They get paid based on how many websites they survey. My ex used to do it.


SwearingCaptain t1_jbbwxed wrote

Don't think you can bud, sorry to break the news