Submitted by RevolutionaryTerm130 t3_11lup6u in consoles

Im currently trying to buy a next gen console and im having a tough time deciding which one I should buy. I really want the playstation 5 to play marvel exclusives like spiderman 2 and the wolverine game which isn't coming out for awhile. I also already own a couple games from my Xbox one. Xbox doesn't work though unfortunately. Honestly just looking for someone else's opinion I guess.



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nowhereman1223 t1_jbedrbt wrote

I have both.

Because I am lucky enough to afford both and use the both for different things.

PS5 for PSVR2, GranTurismo, Last of Us, Uncharted, Spiderman, etc.

Xbox for Halo, Forza, Flight Sim and Game Pass.


It comes down to what you feel you will play more.

Storage can also be an issue. Both consoles are massive beasts but the Xbox is easier to put somewhere due to the dense brick shape.


RevolutionaryTerm130 OP t1_jbehtay wrote

The exclusives on PlayStation that I want to play haven't released (Marvel games) so at the moment I wouldn't really be playing any of the other exclusives but I definitely don't mind trying any of them. But thanks for the advice I appreciate it.


GADG3Tx87 t1_jbe97xs wrote

It primarily comes down to the games over the box. Evaluate what they each have and what you're likely to play. You say you have an Xbox One? Do you also have a PS4? as of right now there isn't much on the Xbox side to play that isn't on the Xbox One. Likewise there a few PS exclusives but if you also have a PS4 you've likely played a lot of them.

Spider-Man is out this fall. Wolverine is currently unknown. Personally I have the PS5 and skipped the Xbox this time around. For me Sony's first party exclusives are incredible and Xbox has nothing for me personally anymore to match it. They have their GamePass service but honestly in my experience 90% of it is filler content I've already played last gen.

After playing several Sony first party games like The Last of Us, Ghost of Tsushima, Bloodborne, Demon Souls, GoW, Horizon Zero Dawn/Forbidden West (incredible games), MediEvil, Ratchet and Clank, Heavy Rain, Detroit Become Human, Uncharted,

I feel currently Xbox even with their service has nothing to compete with these titles. But these games I've played might not even be to your taste. As cliche as it may sound, in my experience it's quantity (Xbox) over quality (PS). StarField is coming for Xbox soon and I've watched the showcase. Honestly, to me it looks boring. Bethesda just isn't all that anymore (personal opinion)

Sure I like Halo but it's gotten stale and since Bungie left lost its way. I love gears but that hasn't been the same since it moved from Epic Games. Xbox are making acquisitions in the form of Activision for CoD and Bethesda for Fallout but I feel I won't be missing much. I stopped playing competitive multiplayer and there are more and better RPG's these days than Fallout. Immortals Fenyx Rising and the Witcher for example. Plus Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic Remake, a classic is on the way exclusively (at present) for PlayStation.

I feel the only things that can compete with Sony's Library is The Legend of Zelda (huge fan) from Nintendo, and Persona from Sega/Atlus (that is on PlayStation anyway. And bear in mind they both get all the third party games so the exclusives are the driving factor.

These are just my personal thoughts and subjective. To me these days, the Xbox feels seriously lacking to games like these. I hope you make the right choice for YOU.


RevolutionaryTerm130 OP t1_jbeboyg wrote

I don't have a PS4 and my Xbox one doesn't exactly work anymore so either console would benefit me. Im mainly interested in marvel and DC stuff so not really interested in any of the other exclusives except for maybe ghost of Tsushima but I definitely don't mind trying new things. Thanks for your input though extremely helpful!


GADG3Tx87 t1_jbec9jx wrote

No problem. I doubt any of the Marvel stuff will be coming out on Xbox honestly since Sony seem to be working closely with Disney to produce games from Marvel. Xbox was offered Spider-Man but turned it down. Contrary to those who believe it's being blocked which it isn't. Sony published it, funded it and insomniac developed it. PlayStation now has its own service in which many of its PS4 first party titles are either on it or starting to show up so a way to access them and try them without shelling out a ton of money. But if Marvel is your primary concern then it's safe to say that PlayStation might be the way to go for you.

If you can afford to do it maybe a PS5 and the Series S (a cheaper entry point) might give you the best of both worlds.


RevolutionaryTerm130 OP t1_jbefnrb wrote

I only really have money to buy one or the other at the moment but I definitely would like to buy both consoles eventually. Probably not gonna be able to buy too many games on either don't got the money for it lol. I Appreciate all the info your giving me and hopefully I can make the right decision


GADG3Tx87 t1_jbegegj wrote

Yeah that's one thing to note to differentiate. Games are expensive right now and all publishers are jumping on the bandwagon putting prices up. That said there are often sales and deals. As someone else said below about storage the PS5 is HUGE lol. The first thing I said, or rather yelled when I took it out if the box was "it's f**king huge!" lol. And I personally think it's hideous where others like it. I'll definitely go for a slim if they ever release one.

As for game prices I still buy physical because I'm old fashioned, like to own my games and deals happen faster lol. Plus they have trade in value if you don't want to keep them because discounts on digital stores don't come around very often. It's hard to say what's best for you really, in the end it's your choice that matters. All I or we can do is give you our opinions.

I've just finished my first run on Hogwarts Legacy and I loved it! Just three trophies away from the platinum. (Yeah I'm one of 'those') lol.

Edit. Oh and Sony still haven't nailed how to make a great controller. I mean the dualsense is good but that's something I have to give Xbox credit for, I like their controllers more. I turned off the haptic feedback because it weakened one of the triggers on my launch controller. Sony replaced it for free and have apparently redesigned the triggers but I'm not turning them back on just in case. Don't care for it anyway. Something to note in my experience.


Anubra_Khan t1_jbel7yl wrote

If you want access to more games, then PS5 is the answer. Between PS5 and Xbox One, you'll have access to every current Xbox game except Flight Simulator and Scorn. The 2 other upcoming games this year you'll be missing out on this year (if you care about them) will be Redfall and Starfield. Although I feel Starfield might be getting pushed again until later this year/next year.


RevolutionaryTerm130 OP t1_jbelkoc wrote

Problem is that my xbox doesn't work anymore so i dont have a console at all at the moment just the games from my xbox one


Anubra_Khan t1_jbeoakg wrote

That's a tough call, then. It really depends on how many and how important those xbox games are to you. Also, how many of them are also available on PS5 would be a factor.

Obviously, you don't want to pay for the same games twice if you can help it. But it couldn't hurt to see if any of them are included in the PS Plus subscription service. Or, if you only have a couple of games that you must have, maybe cheap physical copies are available for PS5. This way, you get access to the exclusives you mentioned and still keep some of the games you already like playing.

If it looks like you'd be buying duplicate games totaling approximately$100, then you may want to consider just buying another Xbox One instead. I wouldn't be surprised if you could find one for $80. I see them for $100 all of the time.

If that's too much and/or you just really like your current library, then get the Series X. It'll make your current games look better and play better. Of course, you'll miss out on the Marvel exclusives you mentioned and the yearly Sony GOTY contenders. But, the Series X is still a great system.


Istari-2 t1_jbfnea4 wrote

I have both consoles and I bought the series X mainly because I want to play Red Dead redemption (which I still haven't played). Most of the time I'm using my PS5, because before that I already had a PS4. And the games are far superior on Playstation too. Some exclusives are Detroit become human, Until Dawn, Days gone, uncharted, last of us infamous, spiderman and many more. Another thing for me personally is, I like the trophy system of Playstation more than achievements on Xbox.

If I could only choose one I'd go with PS5


AltandF5 t1_jbfqkfb wrote

ps5 has more games and seems cooler overall (i have a ps4) but xbox does have its perks too


RevolutionaryTerm130 OP t1_jbfypba wrote

It seems to me that the PlayStation 5 is the best bet for me as I've checked the games that I have from my Xbox one and there not really that important to me and some are also available on PlayStation. Also it seems that's the majority opinion lol.

Thank you everyone for your advice it really helped me out.


ChainsForAlice t1_jbhywkl wrote

I've just traded my series x for a PS5.. i still own a series s though.

Imo PS5, PS+ essential or whatever its called is like $22AU a month, over 600 games and pretty much all of sonys first party titles are now on it besides GOW Ragnarok. I've been off Playstation since like 2014 so I've had a lot of titles to catch up on so far.


abirmoemoney t1_jbjhxlt wrote

If u like the marvel games get a Ps5 but i'v got both and only thing I found better about the ps is the controller imo.


Traditional_Ad9002 t1_jbkrpit wrote

I don’t even know why people recommend Game Pass, but, without reading the comments, I’m quite certain several people are going to recommend it to you.

The truth is, PlayStation Plus Premium is cheaper than Game Pass Ultimate, has significantly more games (like 700 to 100 or something) and includes some great PS exclusives.

I personally believe in buying the games one wants to play, but so many people like to use Game Pass as the major selling point for Xbox (tells you something about the rest of the platform). So in case that’s part of your consideration process, I thought you should know the facts, which most people like to omit.

If the subscription services don’t matter to you, then I’d say make a decision based on your preference of exclusive games and controllers. You may really like one console’s controller and really dislike another’s.

I probably don’t need to point out which console has the decided advantage in exclusive titles, so I won’t.


therabbit14 t1_jbenydy wrote

I would just get the PS5. It's a much better console even though both use similar chips in both designs. The PS operating system is much smoother and operates quicker. Now the question is Disc or Digital. I have both and I can tell you the DISC is great if you want to grab an occasional blu ray from time to time. I only bought the digital so I would have a dedicated console just for Gran Turismo 7 with the simulator but now its just collecting dust. But if you have a PC I'm not sure a console would be ideal for gaming in this day and age. Just my opinion as a game developer and owner of mostly every console from N64/PS1 to today.