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GADG3Tx87 t1_jbegegj wrote

Yeah that's one thing to note to differentiate. Games are expensive right now and all publishers are jumping on the bandwagon putting prices up. That said there are often sales and deals. As someone else said below about storage the PS5 is HUGE lol. The first thing I said, or rather yelled when I took it out if the box was "it's f**king huge!" lol. And I personally think it's hideous where others like it. I'll definitely go for a slim if they ever release one.

As for game prices I still buy physical because I'm old fashioned, like to own my games and deals happen faster lol. Plus they have trade in value if you don't want to keep them because discounts on digital stores don't come around very often. It's hard to say what's best for you really, in the end it's your choice that matters. All I or we can do is give you our opinions.

I've just finished my first run on Hogwarts Legacy and I loved it! Just three trophies away from the platinum. (Yeah I'm one of 'those') lol.

Edit. Oh and Sony still haven't nailed how to make a great controller. I mean the dualsense is good but that's something I have to give Xbox credit for, I like their controllers more. I turned off the haptic feedback because it weakened one of the triggers on my launch controller. Sony replaced it for free and have apparently redesigned the triggers but I'm not turning them back on just in case. Don't care for it anyway. Something to note in my experience.